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Fishing Line on Planes.


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Hey guys,

Just wondering are we allowed to bring Fishing Line onto planes as carry on luggage? I got a reel thats filled with braid and just wish to bring it onboard as Im not checking in any luggage.

I read in another forum that someone had trouble with bringing a reel onboard, has anyone else had problems?

I know hooks, lures, etc are not allowed.

Tried emailing the flight company but havnt got a reply yet.


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Dhess, that sounds logical lol. They probably would have to ban chains and necklaces too.

Ahah, I'll troll some lures off the back and maybe hook up to a flying fish :)

Thanks for replies guys, hopefully I can hook up to some tailor or bonito down in sydney.

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I've only ever had it in my luggage, not carry on.

How ever, the lures we used in Austria came home in the carry on luggage.

That was flying from London via Dubai via Brunei back to Bris.

Carrying my reel half way around the world when I was back packing last year was the best idea ever.

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Back in brisbane.

Got the reel through security spooled with braid. But couldnt get my 4 piece travel rod that was in my luggage through coming back from Sydney. Had to get that checked in for $20!!

Havnt had any problems with that rod from 3 previous trips so that annoyed me abit.

Security did tell me the fishing reel was fine though.

I think the problem with fishing line from overseas is the risk of introducing foriegn organisms into our waterways when we use that line again, rather than the risk of using it as a weapon.

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I can't find the old AFO thread, but fishing line can transport Rock Snot (Didymo) and that is/was a major quarantine issue for the freshwater fishing scene in Australia.

Here's an article about it.

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Yep, I remember hearing about the Rock Snot issues before ellicat.

Not quiet clear why I wasn't allowed the rod through security. When I asked the security officer what was the problem with the rod and why I couldnt have it onboard, he just answered with "You just can't take it on board".

When I told him I have taken it on many flights down to Sydney with no problems, he just nodded and pointed in the direction of the check-in booths.

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Depends on how power carzy the security wants to be. I recently flew to cairns and although my carry on was fine from bris to cairns, on the way home with exactly the same contents, the security took half a roll of clear plastic sticky tape, a small (4 x 2 cm!) stapler (couldn't just take out the staples) and my chewing gum as it had foil backing on the packet (Extra professional), and i had to argue to keep my scale ruler and my usb internet dongle as they both apparently 'posed as dangerous shaped objects'.

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  • 3 months later...

goat_man_baa wrote:

Depends on how power carzy the security wants to be. I recently flew to cairns and although my carry on was fine from bris to cairns, on the way home with exactly the same contents, the security took half a roll of clear plastic sticky tape, a small (4 x 2 cm!) stapler (couldn't just take out the staples) and my chewing gum as it had foil backing on the packet (Extra professional), and i had to argue to keep my scale ruler and my usb internet dongle as they both apparently 'posed as dangerous shaped objects'.

how ridiculous is it getting nowadays. if someone is seriously going to be a danger i'm sure they are going to use something other than chewing gum foil!

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spooled fishing reels are the least of my worries.....apparently im a national security threat when parked on the side of the road on the main drag into the airport......!!! the cops words exactly "you might have a truck load of bombs how do i know?"

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