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first jew fish + many more in one night


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hey all

have been very busy for the last two weeks, just have time tonight to go out for a fish.

i thought it should be pretty good after the rain night before. So we went out to new farm. At about 9:40pm was my first JEW :) he was around 50cm+, after about half an hour, the second fish came on :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

and he was about 60cm+. So the night went on and caught 6 more bigger ones. and we were about to pack up at about 1:25am. as i didn't want to leave, packed very slowly with two of my rod still in the water..... then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

picked up the rod set the hook, then the fish toke about 20metre of line on the first run,after about 5 min he jump out the water an it was a huge JEW fish :):):)

so i toke my time and got her up... :):) i think he was close to about a meter (might be less) by that time i was over the moon :woohoo: :woohoo:

Live Prawns

25lb pe main line and 40lb leader

thank you for reading

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