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not scared, deep tempest!


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well after having warwick from buckat list charters call the trip due to not so smooth weather , 3mtrs at times and 10-15knts .

mick and i decided since we had taken the day as a holiday we may as well have a crack at the rough conditions in melmick.

a quick check of the usual sites for the reports on wind and off we went, laughing at what will face us :silly:

we launched at fishos about 10 and the river was fine, we made it out to the bay and its all still good, we get to moreton island and sunny and smooth, we start getting around the top of moreton and a lil lumpy.

then we came around the cape and looked at each other and laughed lets do the run out to tempest ;)

on the first drift over some nice ground i hooked a solid snapper that was over after a few big heads shakes, upon inspection of the nuke chook there was a visible massive bite print on the 7" gulp easy 4" wide. dam i knew it was a good one, mick boated a nice pig fish and 34 cm squire on the bait, we reset our drift as the wind was blowing fairly hard at this stage, a bit of effort to get the gulp down the 90mtrs, i was not far from the backing on the lil 4000 saragosa when it loaded up and a few runs, a few minutes later i boated a great 60cm snap, this was followed by a few keeper squire. then the rain kicked in and the wind picked right up and the decision was made to call it a arvo. all though conditions very lumpy melmick handled it with ease.

cant wait for some good weather now so we can try buckat list out. hopefully show him a great day on soft plastics and jigs. 105_1436_600x800.jpg


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Good stuff guys! Can't wait to hit the deep water again off Moreton. I have been away for way too long.

I am really curious how a big platey like Melmick rides going straight into some nasty chop (say 20-25knots). Does it still throw you around and jarr your back?

I am starting to think about my next boat and need something that rides better than my 5.6m platey. Not sure which way to go say a 7+ m plate boat a up to 7m glass boat or a 6.3m cat.

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head on yesterday was about 15kph to be on the safe side, no back jarring hits but a bit rough, on way back we were doing 30-40kph with the swell and wind and it was a solid 3 mtrs with 1 mtr of chop on top. 7 mtr + makes the world of differencein the rough conditions and melmick felt at home in the rugged stuff. she has a very decent v through to transom so that helps heaps!

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