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the angriest fish in the world


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my better half made an appointment for 9am to get my tax done this morning, then she was off to a baby shower.......so i decided to reward my domestic effort by going for a flick down at nudgee while she was gone.

i''m normally a bait soaker, but thought i'd flick some plastics and blades around for a change. quick stop in at Kmart cannon hill to find berkley gulps at $7 a packet. a pack of pumpkinseed minnows, a custard scroll and i was good to go!!

pulled up to nudgee and was rigging up when another older bloke pulled up in a pathfinder with a similar plan in mind. tide was on its way out and we walked out in a similar direction onto the emerging bank.

flicked the p/seed minnow around for a while with one or two touches but no hookups. old mate headed straight out to the end of the bank and connected with a nice lizard but let it go to fight another day. kept flicking the plastic and changed over for a slug to see if there were any tailor about. no joy......so i threw a ghost blade.....1/4 ounce in purple.

flicked that round for a bit.....no joy. the wind was blowing its bum out from the east/south-east and the tide running out.....made for good times. i tried a few casts in a bit closer, letting it drift out with a slow retrieve..........tap......weight......BANG!!! could tell straight away it was a lizard, the only worries were how deep had he taken it, and would the 8lb leader hold??

it was a 30m walk through the shallows in a semi-skulldrag to get the fish onto the bank, but i was stoked to see a nice flatty around 50-55cm.....perfect dinner!! God bless TT for their owner hooks.....pinned beautifully in the corner of the mouth.....away from the raspy headshakes. this was a hell of an angry fish.....

had a bit more of a flick, but needed to scale and clean the fish and get home. all up, pretty stoked for about an hour and a half's fishing!!

[img size=600]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q204/thousandyards/flathead-1.jpg

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