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The stupidity of telemarkets or surveyers


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The phone rang this afternoon.

My 5 year old answered it "hello Sam Speaking"

The idiot on the other end of the phone then proceeded to give a 5 year old the well researched speach of Hello im from Morgan Gallop coducting a poll on people over the age of 18 years so on so on so on.

Thes whole speil lasted well over 2 minutes. Wih the 5 year old saying yes no.

I happened to pickup the other phone and heard all this without saying a word.

The 5 year old then Yells out "Daddy its some idiot asking about government stuff"

The voice on the other end then says "Sorry sir, are you not over 18"

This is when i couldnt hold back the laughter any longer.

Where do they find these people.

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all my kids run to answer the home phone .

they haven't worked out it only telemarketers ,surveyors other crap that calls.

when my kids answer the phone and its gets passed to me or mum .

this takes a few seconds .

the kids say there some1 on the phone we don't know what they want .

don't get me started on electricity door knockers .

i have had to use force to remove them from my yard ,when the don't understand ,no i'm not interested ,then no go away ,then F**k OFF.

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ive had stupid telemarketers call the work landline 4 times in the last 3 days asking to speak to the home owner. I always politely inform them that we are a business therefore there is no homeonwner. THey still proceed to ask if im sure about that, then call back the next day, or in one case about half an hour later. And thats with me answering, who knows how many times they actually call.. What Idiots they are

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A) Why does your 5 yr old answer the phone and then be bamboozled? She should have passed the phone to her parents.....there's all sorts of sickos out there.

B ) Sign up here; https://www.donotcall.gov.au/

C) Still made me larf though! :)

(A) I dont understand why someone wouldnt let their children answer the phone.

Its a good lesson, in hearing and understanding.

He answers a phone correctly "Hello Sam Speaking"

Unlike the the majority of most adults. IT also teaches him its not a toy unlike what most what adults and teens think of their mobiles.

(B ) Already signed up, but it doesnt stop charities and particular polls and market surveys. Fortunatelly is does stop most of the india or pakistani call centres.

© Im glad.

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hahhaha go sam! i rember last time i called you and sam answered the phone, very well spoken for a young fella i hate phoning people and getting the rug rat thats useless answer the phone but quite the opposite with young sam, he answered hello sam speaking and when i asked for his dad he proceeded to tell me that daddy is putting petrol in the car and he would tell daddy that i called as soon as he has finished! gave me a chuckle as thats more help then most 15 yo olds that answer the phone these days.

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