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Nice day for bass'n

Little Grey Men

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Here's a few pics of how I spent my morning. Nothing on surface which was dissapointing, as soon as I switched to a sub surface crank the fish came on. As the sun went higher the betts spin with a Slider accounted for the majority of the fish. 15 bass later and I was happy to call it quits.

Heading along the home stretch I put a cast hard up into some thick grass which was providing small pockets of shade. Clicking the reel into gear, a slow steady retrieve to bring it out of it's shadowy hidey hole and a solid weight pounded the lipless crank I'd tied on and started taking drag like it was nothing....the fish made me do three circles in the yak before it was tired enough to meet formally. Holding it up against the measuring marks on my yak it's tail went easily over the 50 mark with the fork sitting just shy of half way. A new PB for me of 54 fork length.

One tagged bass amongst this lot as well....Dino ? T 28288 is this one of yours ?







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