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Bassin from the boat


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Hey all

Jack (fisherjack) and I hit the fresh out of my boat yesterday in search of some bass.

The day started alright, with both us getting a 30 something each on blades, then it went extremely quiet with the odd tidler bass throughout the day, and jack losing a horse in amongst some fallen timber.

It wasn't until just before dark, that the fish really fired up. I had gone over to the good old atomic hardz and it had been hours since we had got a good fish.

Soon as my lure came over a log, it got smacked, and after a nice little fight, boated a reasonable fish going 36ish.


Quickly released him and out goes the atomic again. Second cast after that bass, and bang, on again, this one feeling much better. This one went 39 to the tip.


3 more casts after that I got onto another fish, was crazy, and jack was wondering what he was doing wrong :P .


We were both fishing again, and I heard jack say he was on, and whatever it was, it was pulling drag. It put up a great little fight, and we called it for a nice fish. When it popped up, it wasn't as big as expected, it probably would have been mid 30's, 40ish. It was a nice chunky fish. :)


It was now nilly dark, and we had to get going, as dad had already called up once, asking were we were. Oh well. B) Total bass for the bass was 9 or 10, and 1 catty. No big ones, but I'll be back soon to get amongst the big fella's.

Also, Jack has most of the good pics from his camera, I only have a few, so more to come eventually.



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