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Today was my first day out on the dam on my own (sort of, I stalked Ray most of the day) after getting my permit last week. Was a quiet day, with 7 and a half hours on the water, and a LOT of paddling, for only 2 rat bass. Was still a good opportunity to explore, and realise that my transducer mounting is rubbish and needs to be re done! Also met Jnewy and his partner, was a pleasure mate. I'm looking forward to getting back out onto the dam, hopefully early next week sometime! Hopefully the bass come to play, it will be a nice change having the sounder working, it is challenging trolling deep divers when you don't know how deep the water is....

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North Pine Dam (NPD) mate

Yeah I've got it sorted now, I did the in-hull wet mount, and the stuff I used to seal the casing thing wasn't water tight, so you couldn't get the layer of water between sounder and hull

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It takes a while to find the productive spots and when you think you have it sorted it all changes.

You did well slogging into the wind today.

You tried out a lot of other spots as well as stalking.

Caught you stretching out the kinks down at the Island.


All we could manage was a few gar,a turtle and one dropped bass and the usual feed of claw.

Jon had a few hits but failed hook ups on spinnerbaits.




Jords hope you dont mind me adding to your post I was too lazy to stare a seperate one.



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Jords hope you dont mind me adding to your post I was too lazy to stare a seperate one.

It's ok mate, help yourself!

Caught you stretching out the kinks down at the Island.


YEah geez, 7 and a half hours in a kayak really cramps you up!

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Hey Jords - Just a heads up as I do not want you getting in trouble. The new requirements this year require that you are wearing the PFD now. Cheers and good to see you out there enjoying the Dam. I need to get the new stickers on give it a bash myself.

cc) To comply with the following safety requirements:-

All occupants of a Canoe or Kayak must wear a suitable PFD.

All Children under the age of 12 in a powered vessel must wear an appropriate sized PFD.

All vessels must carry at all times the appropriate PFD for each person on board that vessel, together with oars

or paddles and suitable Bailing Equipment.**

** Sit on Kayaks do not require Bailing Equipment

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Yeah I had the pfd in the back of the yak with me, wore it as I crossed the main bit (there was quite a bit of wind kicking up) then took it off when I was in the shelter of the island, as the only pfd I have at the moment is a type 2 from when we had the boat in PNG, 10 years ago, and is well mouldy, but cheers mate

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