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Mothers Day In The Bay & River Mouth


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Absoultely knackered last night after waking up at 3:30am to meet up with Do Boy for a fish. My deadline was midday though as I had to attend a large Mothers Day shin dig which took me through to the hours after dark by which stage I was somewhat dillusional and believing it must have been days ago that I was last fishing... But anyway I digress...

After nearly having the trip cut very short when two Tug Boats decided it might be very funny to kill us we headed out the mouth and found huge schools of mullet pushed up against the wall at the front. With the realisation that just about every predator known to man in the oceans eats the obviously ever poop scared "mulletus foodumus" we decided to work our plastics around the school to see what was lurking.

My confidence was right up as I had recently restocked with Damiki 3 Inch Armour shads which are my absolute go to lure completely out fishing other plastics in previous trips and as it turned out this one as well. So armed with my trusty Nordic Stage "Gunslinger" 1-3kg and Shimano Stella (spooled with brand new Takeda 6lb braid thanks Orca) and an armour shad the casting commenced in earnest.

It was not long before the first tailor was landed which I was lucky to pin in the lip. It was at this point that Henry decided to try surface as we hoping the school was thick and active. He had a few big swipes but none seemed to connect. Shame.

By this stage Henry had also reverted back to Damiki plastics and it wasnt long before he was giving his new Daiwa Exist (yes another one) a work out on a 38cm squire.



Henry landed another one of these and we both landed an assortment of bream, flathead and I lost a few more tailor that did manage to snip me... Not a grinner in the bunch which was nice :)

Just before we had to pull the pin the meet my good son type obligations (good son in law actually) I managed to bag a just legal squire of my own who was released to play again.


All in all a great day out in fantastic conditions.



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Great work and some nice pictures taken, looks like fish for dinner.....Well Done boys ;):)

The nicer photo's are actually yet to come as Henry did have his DSLR out there. I just used the ones from the Lumix to do the report.

Here is another one showing off the new shirt...



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Looks like a great day to be out except for those bloody tugs what happened ? :whistle:

Not entirely sure why but there were 2 motoring back at about what I imagine would be a tugs max speed (based on zero knowledge).

Long story short the wake created was tidal wive size and Henry had to do some very deft manouvering to narrowly avoid being totally capsized or swamped. In my opinion it was a good thing it was quiet on the river as any boats anchored where we were hit or even a small boat with a slightly shallower hull would have been stuffed. Considering the weather its lucky more of exactly those sort of craft were not on the water.

I understand your previous concerns regarding boats sneaking under the wharves Tugger as the wake from these two tugs smashed the pilons under the wharves and actually broke on them they had so much force.

Alls well ends well but it was a hairy moment!


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Great work and some nice pictures taken, looks like fish for dinner.....Well Done boys ;):)

The nicer photo's are actually yet to come as Henry did have his DSLR out there. I just used the ones from the Lumix to do the report.

Here is another one showing off the new shirt...



:cheer: These shirts look great, cant wait to get mine..A very nice looking shirt ;):)

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The tugs are limited to less than 9 knots for this reason but i've heard of a few of the skippers being reported for speeding and i thought they would have cut it out but we must still have a few cowboys. I would also watch out for those moreton island vehicle and passanger ferries as they kick up a nasty wake as well. Try to get yourself out of shallow water if you see it coming

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The tugs are limited to less than 9 knots for this reason but i've heard of a few of the skippers being reported for speeding and i thought they would have cut it out but we must still have a few cowboys. I would also watch out for those moreton island vehicle and passanger ferries as they kick up a nasty wake as well. Try to get yourself out of shallow water if you see it coming

No worries mate just freaked us out for a sec. Must say Do Boy handled it very well! Wish I had my mal on board hahaha. We were in deep water as well with all lights etc etc. Once again though I reckon if anyone had been under the wharves being cheeky they would have been totalled.

Certainly didnt ruin the day for us though as right up until we left it was fairly constant hits and action :)


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Yeah sorry angus. Haven't had the time to load up the slr shots yet.

It was a great day out. Tell you what, I could just hear every fisho wishing they were on the water rather than on mothers day duties. Too bad the longies weren't on the surface.

???Tugger - mate there was 1 tug particular that was the worst. The wake from that thing was by far the biggesti've had to deal with. I was between the tugs and the wharf and it felt like it was going to break over us. They were the ones that helped the cruise liner leave the port that day.

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ahhh... yeah well it was quite dangerous. Knowing now that there is a 9knot limit on them makes me angry. It was quite dangerous and I can only imagine the size of the waves on the other side of the river near boggy... it would have been big enough to surf... not a word of a lie.

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P.S - Angus how did you find the Takeda braid???

I got some on Sat to try out but haven't spooled it onto any reel yet


Its good man. I aleady had the 4lb on my Twin Power 1000 and was impressed.

It has a little more memory than say Frog PE. But a lot less than some (Fireline etc).

It also sinks really well which is due to the total lack of cotton in the blend I believe.


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