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Waiter! There's a Hair(tail) in my Soup!


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Went down to the Goldy/Coomera canals with Sweresy early this morning to initially pop for some tailor at first light then try for some winter bream and maybe a Trevally or two...

The only target species that really played ball were the Breambos with Sweresy landing about 20 or so with the best being this 38cm model.


I had a shocker on the bream front with only 2 landed due to wind knots and re-rigging during the hot bites... :angry:

On the other hand, the by-catches weren't too bad...

Sweresy caught a pan-sized squire, a Trevor and wouldn't you know it... another hairtail!!! :blink:



The only saving grace for me this morning was a runner-up to my PB with a 67cm flattie.


Great morning out with beautiful weather until the wind really picked up around 11 which was when the tide was bottoming out so we called it and headed home.

Thanks for reading.


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Hahahaha love it...

Is it just me or does the hairtail is the first pic look kind of embarassed!

Like if hairtail had an emotocon it would look like this :blush:

Awesome report as always guys!

Kris do you cook up your hairtail? I have heard they are sensational eating and would love to see your take on it.


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Cheers everyone,

Angus I actually released the hairtail as (not being a smart a55) I have a fridge full of snapper and tailor ATM!!

The last one I kept I didn't rate as highly as everyone makes out (I know there are going to be plenty of people that disagree ) but then again I love to eat Tailor so what do I know!!??

Bream everywhere at the pin at the moment

Oh and cheers to me old buddy Doobsy for the masterful camera work as usual!!

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Thanks guys, appreciate the kudos but just wanted to let you know that the flattie was 'runner-up' to my PB of 74cm last year. ;)

Still, a beautiful fish and was released to breed along with everything else.

Except the pan-sized pinky...

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