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From bait to lures


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I have been a keen fisherman for many years, I have my own boat and have always fished with bait. Being a non believer in lures that is until the past year.

When the fishing was slow about 12 months ago and not much was biting I decided to throw a sx40 around just to pass the time. After about 20 throws a small Trevally smashed it about 10 metres from the boat, not a huge fish but the rush would change me forever.

From then on i always had another rod ready with a hardbody shallow diving lure. I picked up a few small cod from time to time but nothing huge. Six months later i got a call from my Dad who always fished with bait saying he had caught some Trevally and Queenies on poppers. I found this hard to believe because i have never seen him even buy a lure.

Slowly but surely every time we went out we were using less and less bait turning to surface lures, until one day there were surface breaks and bait fleeing half a meter from the bank but nothing would touch the poppers. I decided to throw on a Prawnstar, within 20 minutes I had pulled 3 60cm+ Flathead in and have never looked back. My old man has the bug now, landing a couple of monster Flathead on Prawnsatars also. Now all day we are drifting throwing soft plastics and hardbodies all up the river with great success.

To anyone who is a sceptic on lures, you are missing out big time!!

It has changed my life I just regret I didn"t try earlier

The bottom 3 photos are on bait just thought I'd chuck them in also in same folder.....









Whilst releasing this horse something picked up my $300 outfit out of stick rodholder and sped of with it down the river :ohmy:





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Just the flathead so far... going to try for Jacks on them later in the year...

Any suggestion for other species??

Flathead love them, I use an violent jerk on them then really long pause to keep in the strike area then repeat, seems to work for me.... Been getting them along mud flats very close to the bank in 0-2 metre water.

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Hi mate, Great fish... This happened to me and my brother inlaw, one day we through in some soft plastics and couldn't believe the amount of Flathead we caught... after a few months on soft plastics we started buying Hard body lures... now we always have a bait getting wet while we do some flicking... (in saying this the majority of the catch on soft plastics always produced flathead, with the odd soul, pike and grinners... we started to wonder if we could catch anything else on softplastics in the bay)

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My old bass fishing mate and i were talking a few months ago, it had been a fair while since we had caught up. Soon discovered that the young bloke we took under our wing and tried to teach lures to had poached him into his live bait camp! haha

I remember my first fish on a lure, 33cm bass on a small white trout spinner. first cast of the day that was. bloody awesome and i have not looked back!

Need to work on my salt water fishing a lot but it's just a matter of getting out there to give it a go!

Good read mate and welcome to our wonderful addiction!

(no hard feelings to bait fishers! each to their own.)

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wire trace was only for the day kept getting busted off don't normally use that :)

ah ok , the only other thing is to change colors if one isn't firing . One spot i fish pumpkinseed gulps are deadly one day the off the menu the next , smelt is the same fires one day , useless the next .

have alook at a-mart for there packs of atomic lures , offshore / bass / and another i cant remember

7 packs for $20 . the bass ones work awesome in shallow estuary and flats for flathead

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Mate, that's awesome! I did the switch a couple of years ago, and have been catching far more fish. Quite often, I have gone out with blokes fishing bait, and have been more productive. In fact, I think I am at above 90% in this. I am generally a bit hyperactive too, so it helps to be casting all day, as opposed to sitting back waiting for bites.



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what did you get the snub nose dart / permit on?

I'll 2nd that, long time since i've caught one of those dirty fighters.

I truly believe that one of the main reason bait fishers sometime come up short is the whole 'throw it out and wait' syndrome.

If you work a bait with the same attention - right weight,action and constant movement, bait does a lot better than it is often credited for. Lazy bait fishermen have less results.

Though nothing beats a Trev. taking a popper to get the heart-rate up. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Snub Nose Dart.

Boyne river in Gladstone....

On the same popper in the picture above it.R2Sea Popper i think (from memory). Caught on low tide in about 4m water at the mouth of an anabranch running off the main river, very rocky ledge/dropoff. Creates bit of an eddie, seem to get alot of fish chase surface lures there. First one i've ever caught maybe a fluke not sure if this helps.


Another Flathead on Prawnstar only one for the day very shutdown.....

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Yeah vibes are great, Usual suspects when it comes to where to throw them, Technique is probably the main thing when using vibes, There's a few different retrieves that have worked for me, You can make your own, My favourite is probably two sharp swift lifts then just let it sink to the bottom and repeat that, You'll most likely get hits on the drop..

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  • 3 months later...

i tried the gulp crazy legs.... second cast on a sand bank drop off i got a nice tick from this little sucker....


copule other by catch for the day very windy tough conditions......


had to resort to trolling micro mullets for a fish.... for beginners this is a great method especially for flathead they will smash these lures in 0-2m of water.... Great for experimenting in a new waterway.. this will give you an indication of where the fish are holding.... just food for thought.... if you are starting out on lures. I am only writing this because I wish I knew this when I was starting out... I think trolling is the perfect beginners choice of ammo.....


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Can anyone give me some good advice for landing a jack on a lure? ... have done so on flesh and live baits.... trying to step it up, been flicking zman 4" swimmerz deep into some heavy snags which hold these bastards but they wont touch... done same with prawntars and xraps..... any advice or suggestions?

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Best bit of advise is to stick with it. Get your lures in tight to structure as possible, if your not snagging your not catching. Also the Pontoon21 Greedy guts 77mm have been getting good results lately. I have only caught one this season so far and it came off the surface against a rock groin with a walk the dog style lure. Also I find casting along structure can bring more results rather then casting directly at it, if that makes sense, it keeps the lure in the zone longer.

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