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Severn River Cod hunt


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In a couple of weeks I will be giving the cod a good crack, and am going to try and catch a yella on a lure. I doubt there is be a better chance of a yella anywhere else. Some skinny water yakking :woohoo:

A session on Glen Lyon may also be on the cards.

Anyone with some spots worth trying, or advice, let me know either here or via PM, thanks.

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when we fish the severn river from dundee and also up deep water, best colour of spinnerbaits was gold, but we do nail some on other colour and def hit the surface. get your self some scum frogs or big beetle walkers...ow and dont buy the cheap spinnerbaits, the cod destroy them,

i dont no whether it will be shut down due to the cold weather but evan if you dont hit the cod, it is such a beautiful part of the country down their. i will be going down that way in september....

best of luck mate... rug up well


tons of colours....

their are plenty of dvd out their as well about cod in that area

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