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anyone got a stradic fi 1000 for sale?


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Hey Runty, I found the seller I bought mine from on Ebay, he has another one up and it works out at about $145 delivered at the moment. I don't know how to add the link but the sellers name is jay762. $129.99US and $20.00US shipping, that's about as cheap as you will get a new one if you can wait for it to arrive.

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American Legacy have stradic fi 1000's for US$95 at the moment. postage about $30.

Just bought mine for AU$120 including 170 yards of power pro 5Lb in vermillion red cause if you subscirbe to their newsletter, you get $25 off any purchase over $100.

It's my first <$100 reel so pretty excited to get it some time this week!

Runty66 - Post up a pic on this thread of your new combo when you get it! I'll put mine up too!


Justin :)

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