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Bassin' the upper


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Good evening all,

Just a quickie, went out for a bit of a fish today chasing the mighty bass again. Started at Colleges and made my way upstream which was fun with the flow in the river at the moment, once again the bass weren't really on the chew and I only picked up three littlies on the troll. At about 2:30 I met Bryan (Batman) at the second spot and we launched the yaks for a paddle in a new location for both of us. It was once again hard to come by the bass but we kept ourselves entertained with tandanus catfish for both of us, an eel for Bryan (that was a crackup!) and numerous forkies. Finally we came to a more promising section and that's where we started getting stuck into a couple of the target species. Once again I got all mine on the troll and Bryan landed a couple on the cast and also trolling. The ever faithful pak rat did the damage for both of us in the arvo, with my morning fish coming on a couple of different cheapies. A few pics of my morning, Bryan will add his pics later.









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Well I had a full on day!

I went to pick up a machine for my garage and it ended up weighing in at 230kg and getting off my trailer was interesting to say the least but thats a whole different thread.....

So I drove like a bat out of hell to meet Ant and we launched heading upstream. The area was looking like it had a bit to much current and I didn't think we would get anything, Ant hooked up a katy the yellow native one you get in the river which was interesting.

I then hooked up to a fckin big eel which went really hard but I didn't want to touch the friggin thing so I kept it boatside, then the thing went boonta came off the hook landed in the yak then started going off like zertec, I squeeled like it was a brown snake and the friggin thing crawled out of the yak leaving me all slimed up......I looked up and Ant was wetting himself!!! we floated along for another 5 min pissing ourselves.

Anyway, we headed up stream a bit more I hooked one of these yellow catties and a whole bunch of small fork tail katty's.

We saw some promising snags and after a few casts bang we were on! As Ant mentioned we caught about half a dozen fish and had a blast!

What a top afternoon! Thanks Ant!









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Tidy day out mate. I was in the upper Brissy also, picked up eleven bass and a yella. There was a fair bit more water than usual, but was a good trip out.


Oh yeah nice mate, would've liked to go right up there but couldn't be stuffed with the hills. I actually managed to hook a tarpon today too, boy didn't he go! Spat the hook on his second jump though, I was p!!ssed as it would have been another first for me.

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Nice reports fellas had a feeling the fishing would be good there yesterday.I wanted to go to colleges yesterday as the tides were perfect for a morning session but the young fella wouldn't get out of bed. The canoe is too mutch for me to handle on my own so I headed to my local landbased spots for a try. Only managed one but got some good exercise bush bashing. Its getting that way I need a suit of armour to get past all the thistles though. Those big eels realy put on a strong fight don't they I was determined to get a picture of the last one i got on a lure so I ended up grabbing him with both hands to subdue it and got absolutly slimed and so did my phone but i got the picture. Also I recon I saw some big tarpon rolling out in the middle of the lake at colleges when i was there landbased the other day but they were out of casting distance. Did you actually see any schools of tarpon rolling at the surface .

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No I didn't see any schools of the tarpon T, the one I hooked up was just a fluke but I love to know how to target them because they hammer when hooked up. You didn't really miss much at College's I spoke to a couple of other yakkers and they had caught nudda. I think I just got lucky.

Its the trolling I tell you!!

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When I see tarpon rolling at the surface I use squidgie pro critters cast into the boil 3 quick jerks then let it sink if no hits another couple of jerks then let it sink again if no hits get it in asap then hit them again before they dissapear and pop up some where else. They always seem to hit it on the drop. I have put hardbodies into schools before but find the soft plastics tend to hook them up better and more frequently.I also used to use berkly 2inch powerbait in beer scale with purple squidgie glitter scale on them I dont know if these products are even available anymore but BCF now has pro critter in stock.

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There's stacks of tarpon at colleges at the moment. They've been smashing bait on the surface in their typical fashion all week. Haven't seen them any further up yet in decent numbers. They'll hit pretty much anything that you give a nice jerky retrieve to. Plastics, HB's, it doesn't matter. Powerbaits in Pearl colour with the glitter works. With all that jumping they do, you'll only keeps the hooks in 2 out 10 I reckon.

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No I didn't see any schools of the tarpon T, the one I hooked up was just a fluke but I love to know how to target them because they hammer when hooked up. You didn't really miss much at College's I spoke to a couple of other yakkers and they had caught nudda. I think I just got lucky.

Its the trolling I tell you!!

So how do you explain me hooking up to it on the cast? :lol::P

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