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When in doubt, throw a live bait out!


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Well it was day four of 2012 and i still had not caught a decent capture of any size, so i opted to slip back into my old ways

and go and throw some livies around for some jewfish. gathered various livies from boggy creek which consisted of herring, silver biddies, boney bream , mullet and prawns. headed off in a bit of a chop and just putted over to an old haunt to see if any jewies were around.we set the lines sat back and relaxed in the cool n/e wind. not long after and Michael is hooked up and fighting away, a short battle and up pops his PB jew at 89cm, he was stoked :woohoo:

a few hits and missus, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz this time my rod :woohoo: about bloody time :silly: some solid runs and up pops a PB for myself with a jewie going 92cm, we fished to sunrise getting a few more solid runs, we managed some lil pinkies on sunrise

and called it a night. headed home pumped from a good sesh..





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did you launch from pinkinba? and did you keep the jewys?? i saw 2 massive jewy frames probz that size at pinkinba today haha
:lol::lol: sure did, the funny part was getting to the tables and realize my knives were at home :pinch: so was hard work filleting with a dive pocket knife with a 3inch blade :silly: :silly: at least it was sharp..
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did you launch from pinkinba? and did you keep the jewys?? i saw 2 massive jewy frames probz that size at pinkinba today haha
:lol::lol: sure did, the funny part was getting to the tables and realize my knives were at home :pinch: so was hard work filleting with a dive pocket knife with a 3inch blade :silly: :silly: at least it was sharp..

Reminds me of that spoof song - Only got a 3 inch tool. :lol::lol:

You know how to make a bloke jealous Wes. :P

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did you launch from pinkinba? and did you keep the jewys?? i saw 2 massive jewy frames probz that size at pinkinba today haha
:lol::lol: sure did, the funny part was getting to the tables and realize my knives were at home :pinch: so was hard work filleting with a dive pocket knife with a 3inch blade :silly: :silly: at least it was sharp..

Reminds me of that spoof song - Only got a 3 inch tool. :lol::lol:

You know how to make a bloke jealous Wes. :P

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