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Pine River 6-1-12


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Home sick with busted eye but going crazy indoors i just had to get outside so I took a few pots and the lure box and headed to the pine. Dropped the pots in a spot a mate told me and started to troll within eye shot of the pots. Stopped and checked them every 30Min's.

Trolled up my PB estuary at 50cm, lost something else close to the boat and had a good fight we a few snags. being the part time fisho that i am i had to post here while on the boat to ensure i was an estuary cod and not a protected cod. i normally would have let him go but we are having the outlaws over tomorrow night so keep him for a special dinner for the guests.

Hit something while checking pots that but a small ding in the prop blade!, Got three massive Jennie's , 2 small jennies and 2 small undersized bucks. So no keepers but had fun.

Ended the yr with a PB flatty and started the new yr with a PB cod!



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