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Went to the Stanley on Monday trying to get me that elusive Cod. Still no dice. I went on foot this time, and it was not easy going I can tell you! Steep muddy banks, thick scrub, and snags everywhere.

The river was still running quite fast and muddy, but still ok to fish (and swim!).

I lost count of the times I went swimming for my lure! I started with a spinnerbait, but it was solidly snagging every 5th cast or so - extremely frustrating! So I switched to a soft worm rigged snagless with a worm hook and a large beetlespin, but even this was snagging on sticks more often than I could stand. I was spending more time swimming in the water than what my lures were!!

So next I tried a JJs Stumpjumper. This was much better in avoiding the snags, so I stuck with it, even though it probably wasn't getting right into the strike zone like the sinking lures had been, I figured it gave me the best chance of a fish.

Nothing early on, but towards the end of the day I got these:



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The photos are quite blurry cos of the low light at the time, sorry. Both caught on the stumpjumper. They both measured low to mid 40s.

No lures lost for the trip, which was nice... but goddamn I worked for it, and was dirty and wet and covered in mozzie repellant at the end of the day. By the end I had stripping down, wading in, de-snagging, and re-dressing down to a speedy and efficient art!

- Steve.

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Enjoyed the report Steve sounded like a good sesh, i go swimming all the time to Retrieve my lures i cant leave all that $$$$$ underwater i wont be able to sleep at night hahahaha

Top work mate.



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