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Bring back Jesus!


Bring back BFO member Jesus, not to be confused with Jesus Marentes, who lives down the road.  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Bring back BFO member Jesus, not to be confused with Jesus Marentes, who lives down the road.

    • Bring him back
    • Nail him to the cross

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Jesus was a tireless worker for AFO (mainly because he did nothing), all the same he never looked tired. I think he got a bum-rap and we should let him back.

BTW This is AFO Jesus, not to be confused with Jesus Marentes, the Mexican dude from down Cook Street

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So is it not better to keep someone like this on AFO so as to keep an eagle eye on them? When I first joined this forum there was a similar incident of people calling for the head of a AFO'er who was keeping undersized jew, and selling them.

I don't know who that was, but from the forum I understood he wasn't kicked off the site.

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What did Jesus do to get kicked off AFO?

My point exactly. What did he do?

I introduce the fella to the site expecting a warm and inclusive welcome and what happens ... banned! I suspect it was, as Mr Surfin Gant has suggested: Loaves and fishes envy, or perhaps jealousy because he could walk off-shore for a fish. Who knows.

We let other leaders of principle faiths as members, take Tugger for example. He has an ever expanding flock of devotees following him. Or what about Rayke, I prefer to use his old monica Methuselah, 234 years young and still going strong.

If he's not let back in I'm just worried he'll tell his dad and it'll be plagues of locusts we'll be worried about not a little wet weather.

Yeah, i think I need to go fishing, I'm too too bored.

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he was a fisherman afterall

He was a carpenter......

I'm pretty sure I remember reading a report about the carpenter and the walrus completely exceeding their bag limit. I figure that the walrus is still a great bloke, so may as well give the carpenter another shot; he seems to be pretty good with coming back from dead.

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he was a fisherman afterall

He was a carpenter......

I'm pretty sure I remember reading a report about the carpenter and the walrus completely exceeding their bag limit. I figure that the walrus is still a great bloke, so may as well give the carpenter another shot; he seems to be pretty good with coming back from dead.

By the sounds of walrus's weekend, they might have a bit more in common too :ohmy:

[img size=400]http://i.imgur.com/VZZPN.jpg

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