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Got my MOJO Back


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Its being a while since i had a good mackerel session.

I was planning to go to palm beach today but the weather put me off. I was sitting at home all morning wondering if i should fishing or not with BOMs predicted weather. I just wanted to be out in the water so i convinced my mate to go in the bay.

We headed out around 12 to go try our luck on mackerel. Weather was a bit lumpy at first and it just dropped back.

Looked around for birds but nothing. Tried a few spots i have caught mackerel before. There was bait but nothing. Drove around a bit until i saw a good show on the sounder. Dropped down jigs n plastics and started reeling them in.

All up landed 7 school mackerel. Dropped about 9 next to the boat, There was a few big ones that we dropped. Didnt hook on properly. Got cut off about 5 times too.

Back to the ramp by 4 pm. Was going to stay longer but mate had to go somewhere.

All up it was a good short session.

Cant wait to go out and give the macks another crack before they dissapear. No spotties today. Also saw alot of tuna in bay, Couldnt be bothered with them today lol






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Well done shane, great feed too !!

Where abouts did you see the tuna in the bay ;)

Tuna came up around the measured mile, macs im pretty sure and long tails infront of rous n around harries. No birds though random bust ups. We tried for long tails for bit but had to come back i reckon at the tide change they would have started feeding actively. Didnt hang around long enough.

My mates went to peel today n they said tuna all around south west rocks and in the rainbow n around south passage. They got a few mac tuna n snapper all arvo.

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Well done shane, great feed too !!

Where abouts did you see the tuna in the bay ;)

Tuna came up around the measured mile, macs im pretty sure and long tails infront of rous n around harries. No birds though random bust ups. We tried for long tails for bit but had to come back i reckon at the tide change they would have started feeding actively. Didnt hang around long enough.

My mates went to peel today n they said tuna all around south west rocks and in the rainbow n around south passage. They got a few mac tuna n snapper all arvo.

Cool, sounds like it was firing !

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Well done shane, great feed too !!

Where abouts did you see the tuna in the bay ;)

Tuna came up around the measured mile, macs im pretty sure and long tails infront of rous n around harries. No birds though random bust ups. We tried for long tails for bit but had to come back i reckon at the tide change they would have started feeding actively. Didnt hang around long enough.

My mates went to peel today n they said tuna all around south west rocks and in the rainbow n around south passage. They got a few mac tuna n snapper all arvo.

Cool, sounds like it was firing !

Haha it was good. We were only boat out. Few boats at mud n harries.

The schoolies were so thick today for a while. Good late run.

It was my mates first time catching them too n he had a ball i dont think he has ever had his heartlander scream that much.

He would have caught more if he listened from the start :angry: .

He had blisters all over his hand from jigging. Priceless

Cant wait to go out again. I have realised i dont belong at palm beach. Bays our play ground for mackerel

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well done mate might have a crack on sunday...15-20knt s/e so should be ok where i troll for them...and getting there should be fine in the cat..might have a bit of fun with the youngfella and jump a few waves...hope the eskie worked well for ya mate

cheers rosco

Thanks for esky mate. It got blooded on its first trip. Hopefully brings me more good mojo

Yeah weathers a bit dissapointing. I was thinking of heading out for few hours in the morning tomorrow but its a really small window.

Im sure youl get on the schoolies they are there just no one to catch them with weather atm :whistle:

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u just need a bigger boat mate then the weather doesn't matter too much..fish when u want

I know lol im keen on getting bigger boat but im scared i wont use it as much.This boat is good i can fish rivers bay n offshore on good.

days.Il get big boat when i finish my degree and get good job. A stabi craft or a bar crusher. Im over center consoles lol sick of getting wet.

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