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Fishing Noosa Northshore - best spots


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My dad is visiting from South Africa in October. He is a keen fisherman and I would want to show him a bit of Australian beach fishing. I recently came back from 4 days at Fraser after catching truckloads of small tailor. I am not sure if the long travel from Brisbane North to Fraser is worth it again. I was hoping to find a decent spot on Noosa Northshore/Bribie or maybe Rainbow beach to take my dad man to for a good fishing trip.

Anybody has some good advice?

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I agree with Angus, its a great stretch of beach, find gutters, eddy;s deeper water channels etc.

I am a beach novice but one thing is for sure don't fish to heavy and use quality bait, you should get plenty of Dart, Bream, flatties and Tailor off that beach.

Good luck Suckie! :lol:

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Ive fished noosa north shore for years and you can get all the good stuff up there, there are already tailor on the beach there, you can get some good Jew there at night, its all about finding the big empty out gutters and waiting for the tide to slow for the jew but tailor should be no probs, If you want to get adventurous climb out on the headland of DI Point where you can get some good Kings and Trevally of different kinds and plenty of unstoppables, just look at madmullets video of loosing the battle on 80 pound stand up game tackle from the point :woohoo:

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Hi, the Tailor will still be around, best time to target them is on high tide coinciding with last or first light, look for the big gutters, heaps of Whitting an dart aroumd in October. fish the gutters at low tide for whiting, most of the time they are just at your feet. If you have beach gear try and cast over the back of the gutter sand banks for the bigger fish. For Tailor go the good old pilly an beach worms or pippis for whiting and dart. Flathead also school up in some of the gutters. Plastics rigged a littlke heavier than normal will work for them and Dart. Might also still be a few Tarwhine around. The rocks at DI can produce all sorts of piscatorial delights. The water drops off very quickly and all sorts of big fish venture close to shore. Live bait or pillys will work great, dont be afraid to rig a big whiting or dart under a float out from the rocks.

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