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Back to Bait?

max pwr

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Been trying my very best for the last year or so to become a pro lure fisherman and having extremely limited success. I've had more donuts lately than the policeman's convention and even though I've been putting in the hours and spending stoopid amounts on lures and plastics the fishing gods have just been laughing at me I'm sure :(

So, yesterday I invest in a brand new castnet to replace my old ratty torn up one, i got a top pocket 9footer even though I don't really know what a top pocket does I've read about them on AFO so that means I need one.........right?

Even though it was blowy I headed into the broadie and anchored up at a spot I've seen fishies on the sounder a few times lately, difference was instead of throwing $25 lures at them for hours i kicked back with a few coopers pale ales and soaked some livies with finally a result.


Finally caught a decent fish! This thing almost spooled me on my 4000 baitfeeder......got me down to my backing then I clamped the reel with my hand and turned it. I actually considered cutting the anchor rope at one stage to chase after it, probably the ripping current had a lot to do with the fight it put up but it was AWESOME :woohoo: remember, I'm a dud fisherman so a fish like this is a big deal to me :lol:

Half an hour later I pull this one straight in, bout 6cm smaller than the first but just didn't have the fight in him


Looks like I'll be using the castnet a lot more :) anyone want to buy some lures ? :P

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