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Keen-as-Fisho gets back to Mud


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We had plans to head offshore last weekend however with the swell warnings, easterly swell and the fresh constant wind predictions I decided to give that a miss and fish the bay. Picked up Denis in the morning and where on the water by 6. Straight out to Mud and we where greeted by rough conditions so we decidde to fish the protected side for a while. Denis noticed some surface action so my first cast went out to that area and I was immediately rewarded with a pan sized squire. Spirits where up by this stage. Well it did quiet down with only a legal Grassie being added to the esky for the next hour or so.

We than head around the corner of mud to fish the outflows from the lagoons. We managed a few good sized Dart there again probably going 40cm. They where returned to the water. I was also blown away and bitten off twice so not to sure what they where.

We head around the Eastern side of the Island but we could not raise a scale. A quick run back to the first spot for the morning saw Denis Rewarded with a couple of nice Estuary Cod on hard body. So the call was made to head home and have a quick flick at the rock wall on the way in. Well First cast from Denis and he lands a 50+ Snap in the middle of the day. Next cast I think and he is on again. From a slow start for Denis he was back on the ball. Our first drift saw Denis with 4 nice snaps and myself with one. We quickly head back and had some more success. So with only two to go to make our bag Denis got a phone call and was deep in conversation. I thought to myself I probably shouldn't but I want to see if the plastics he was using was any better. I pick up his rod and first cast wham and I land a 58cm Snap. Next cast and I land a mid 40s snap making our bag so we left them biting with very big grins on our faces.

Great day out and good to catch up for a fish again Denis.





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Thanks for the great day out Ted. Was good to be fishing in familiar waters again, although can't complain about the fishing up north B) It was surprising to get a full bag of snaps in the middle of the day but what was even more surprising was the fact they all came in 5 foot of water or less. Plastics were just not doing it for me out at Mud so on with a P21 Crack jack on 2LB and I was finally rewarded with 2 nice cod one going legal. Inside the river mouth and again I was struggling I went through the majority of plastics in my kit and ended up scoring the snaps on 2.5 inch pumpkinseed grubs.







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