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Which PFD


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Hi all,

I am just trying to get into Kayak fishing. Looking hard for a good second hand rig that will suit me.

in the mean time, i was just wondering what PFD do you guys use and why? ie fit, style, coolness?

and is all that is required in QLD a PFD 2?

any advise would be greatly appreciated.

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Hurts me to say it, but I agree with Runty. I have a manual inflating one too. Some may argue against it, but if you get a foam one, you might not wear it on a hot day and that could be worse.

Qld no legal requirement to have one, but once you hit the border you will need one. Rules in NSW are a bit complex so to avoid trouble, if you are on the water wear one.

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If you're somehow knocked unconscious manual inflatable is as good as nothing.

Auto inflatables are pointless in a kayak as they could go off every time you launch/land the kayak from offshore. (and possibly in rough swell too)

Foam ones end up in the front hatch.

All this said, I only ever wear them offshore or doing shark-bait deployment. It's the manual inflatables for me. Like Tomca, I never wear them if its the foam (aside from launch and landing) and at least a manual inflatable means I have one on at all times, which is better than nothing.

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