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how does he do it


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i posted recently about how my 22 yr old just uses a 1/4 jig head in all conditions and always outfishes me and with a variety of fish he always laughs as i do or try to do things by the book and he just does it his way,well this weekend it reached a new high or low as he always gets me to tie his leader on but this weekend didnt i checked his set-up his jig was tied directly to his bright orange braid,yes you guessed it with no apparent bloody problems,he landed the biggest fish a 55cm flatty and several smaller ones,im gobsmacked.he just keeps telling me to follow the book,with a big smirk on his face,.just shows you i guess,anyhow its all good fun and one day ill cut him down to size.its the old story i guess ,what works for you,lol.cheers john

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you pin any mate? At least you're still out enjoying our great sport with your son. The only thing i can think of that may help is to relax... Don't think of it as following a set of rules and over-think the situation. Targetting Flathead? Find your drop-off/drift/weed bed, keep your plastic in frequent contact with the sand/mud and have faith that class will triumph over A%% eventually!

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Sounds like your lure isn't in the strike zone if you are not catching anything. Try slowing down and watching your line so you know the lure is on the bottom (where the flathead are) before imparting any action on it. Or just cast and count to 10 before you do anything. Give it a hop and then watch the line to make sure the lure is on the bottom before hopping again.

Too fast and all you are going to do is pull the lure up into the water column where the fish aren't.

It will work, just persevere!


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