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Bad Day with GOOD results


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As I work 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, it had been a while since I was able to get out, due to the bad weather, it seemed like every time I came home it was raining. This time home I had had enough and I was going for a fish no matter what.

The wife and I set the alarm for 3.00am and headed off around 4.00am for the Port of Brisbane, arrived about 5.00am to rain and wind, we had idea's of heading over to Mud, but as we headed down the river, things didn't look so good, wind and rain squalls in all directions.

I decided we would fish the rock wall for a while on the run in tide, this also gave a little protection from the wind.

The day started with a couple big catfish, small bull shark and a sting ray,,oh well at least we are catching something. About 1/2 an hour before the top of the tide the wife gets two 28cm bream, I could be out done again, but then I feel a bump, waited then set the hook, bingo, doesn't feel like a catfish and as it came to surface I was quietly (loudly really) surprised.

In all we had a good few hours fishing at the mouth of the Brissy River and got a nice feed, didn't really expect that :)



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