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getting ready for offshore...Vertical jigging in SEQ?


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Hi GUys

OK so I have a few setups ready to go. One for soft plastics stradic 5000 and 6ft8" 6-10KG berkley snapper rod, One for bottom fishing/float lining etc= Ugly stick 5-8KG GX2 with TLD 15 and one for trolling for Spanish Beastmaster 15KG with TLD 25. These cover a few options and I will double up on the trolling setup and the Ugly Stik setup.

I am very interested in Vertical jigging but off Noosa 30-60m of water (Sunshien reef, North reef etc)does anyone use this method and how effective has it been for you? I love the idea of it.

Rods im looking at are overhead (only overhead) T-curve deep jig 400 or 200??? Pair it with a tyrnos 12-16. Line class I dont know as Im not sure about lure weights. Obviously the rod will be dependant on the lure weight I fish...




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For snapper etc i would probably just use the stradic. they are only light jigs in 30-60m, maybe up to 80 or 100g would be heaps because they sink so well.

From what i understand the heavier jigs are normally used in faster current and deeper depths 80m+. Not that they wont work but they are way harder to work up and down

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Hi GUys

OK so I have a few setups ready to go. One for soft plastics stradic 5000 and 6ft8" 6-10KG berkley snapper rod, One for bottom fishing/float lining etc= Ugly stick 5-8KG GX2 with TLD 15 and one for trolling for Spanish Beastmaster 15KG with TLD 25. These cover a few options and I will double up on the trolling setup and the Ugly Stik setup.

I am very interested in Vertical jigging but off Noosa 30-60m of water (Sunshien reef, North reef etc)does anyone use this method and how effective has it been for you? I love the idea of it.

Rods im looking at are overhead (only overhead) T-curve deep jig 400 or 200??? Pair it with a tyrnos 12-16. Line class I dont know as Im not sure about lure weights. Obviously the rod will be dependant on the lure weight I fish...




Not sure aboute jigging around the reefs off Noosa as I haven't really found big areas of ground holding lots of bait that you can get a nice long drift on. Have found some nice bait balls around North Reef but they have been pretty isolated and you would have to get your drift spot on and you would only get a drop per drift. We have caught AJ's there on bait and have been smoked many times more.

Tyrnos 12 would be ok for jigging but a talica or torsa would be better. Forget about the 16 as it is too wide and would wobble over the place when you jig and wind rapidly.For jigging with an overhead the narrower the spool the better.

50lb line would be about right.

Jeremy is on the money with jig weights but I would also get some 150gm and 200gm jigs for higher current days.

The deep jig 200 will be the pick for the areas you wan't too fish. The 400 is way too heavy.

Spin would probably be a better option for jigging. Most people find jigging with spin setups easier. I would look at a lighter spin jig rod with a robust 5000 sized spin reel. No point jigging unless you can do it comfortably and keep on going for a while.

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thanks for the replies :-)So ages ago I was thinking about using the stradic 5000 but with 50lb braid that would give me no length of line on the spool. I have SAS tournament braid in the 20lb but tested at 36lb range. So funny this brand they crap on about the thinnest braids for strength but this so called 20lb is so thick I only have 150m of line on the spool. Shimano 20lb is way thinner and I could have easilly had 200M + of line..

So the 50lb would give me around 150m of braid on the stradic spool. I would have to wind off the current line and the re spool so thats why im thinking a new (used) reel and rod.

Glad im thinking the 200g rod too. the 400 looks way to serious...In terms of structure there is always jew shoal.

Ahh the god old overhead vs fixed spool rises its head again!! I just find that if locked onto something big I have better control over the spool and the drag plus I get huge line capacity for a good price if thats what I need?

thanks for the replies....Oh....jig while on anchor? Just thinking it could be a great way to get the larger fish to strike if the burley trail has lured them in but they are shy to hit a bait or plastic.....Happy to drift as ill drift a few dead baits as well.

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Grant, me old china,

Im really struggling to keep up with your plans.

I would'nt put 50lb braid on a 5000 reel.

Would,nt jig at anchor unless holding over fish.

Use your tld 15 to jig with until you try it and like it.spend the money on a few jigs.

Tyrnos's they are big reels.

If you hook up to something big = bonus, but the smaller fish will shy away.

Get out there and practice the rythmn and action before even worrying about ratio's.

Before you know you will spend 1500 bucks and not even a fish on board. Use the gear you have first. Go out there and then ask questions on the problems you had here and there, not what you read or are told.

I would really consider the wavebreak social for you mate.



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Stradic 5000 isn't a bad reel. Probably won't cut it on anything like a kinggfish on AJ or will get broken very quickly. Shane, another member on hear I fish with uses 5000 sized stellas or saltigas and often times they have nowhere near the stopping power so I see where you are going with overheads.

Very interesting to hear about the SAS braid as I was planning to spool my talica 8 with it but decided to stick to varivas. I managed to get just under 300m of 30lb sunline super PE (read cheap braid that isn't all that thin) on my stradic 5000, so would have expected more from the SAS based on the way it is promoted.

Plenty of other well priced jig rods out there like daiwa monster mesh or saltist demon blood.

There are some reasonably priced spin options like shimano spheros or saragossa or daiwa saltist.

The tyrnos or torium will go allright but just not specifically designed for the task. I would take the tyrnos any day as it is a lever drag which by nature is more versatile and has a much higher drag pressure. Jigging with a TLD would be pure hell.

Just remember you might save a few dollars buying semi-suitable gear now only to find you need to upgrade to the right gear a few months down the track. Cheap nearly always ends up expensive, and its not like getting offshore is cheap at the best of times. I.e. fuel, ice, towing, maintenance so you maight as well fish as effectively as you can when you are out there.

PS I don't think the Jew Shoal is a serious proposition for vertical jigging as it is too shallow. Have caught good grassies there at times though.

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