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I Know What You Did Last Weekend


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The 2013 AFO Christmas Party

Last Saturday a large tableful (plus 1) of members joined up for lunch and an afternoon of cheer and banter at The German Club.

Pretty good attendance considering the year, I thought. Plenty of banter and reviews of the year just gone as well as welcoming some faces that haven't been seen alot in recent times. The odd ale was sunk along with the good feed/s on offer.


Some interesting poses for the pic :unsure::lol:




Some 'sporting' newish facial vegetation that comes with age :S :silly:



As the day wore on and the food phase had passed the drinking continued with many varieties of beer flowing freely ...


A heavy beer requires two hands from the more cautious drinkers :lol:


....and then things became a little sillier as the effects began to take their toll....



Time did it's thing before it was at the hour to check account balances and sift through hard worked wallets ($10/beer)



That was the end of the afternoon and the sensible and less affected departed whilst the night-ahead's plans were made for stage 2 of the party.

A great afternoon get together ! Christmas should be twice a year, but probably just as well it isn't.


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I got worried for a little while when I saw this thread. I'm happy to see that some of my less flattering photos didn't make the cut... gotta keep it PG....

I had an awesome afternoon / night and look forward to catching up with everyone on a more frequent basis.

Said photos will be posted later tonight!

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Old, wise and cunning now Mr Ray.

You learn from your mistakes and each grey hair represents something I have learnt. Unfortunately my entire body is covered in little (and not so little) grey lessons. I could be Einstein with all that learning.

It was a great day, so I am told, tBox assures me I had a lovely time and told many lies.

I just hope that 2014 represents a return to fishing for tBox and me, and with it many stories and photos filled with fishy lies.

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