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Longies kings and a dollies 3 PB's and 2 new species

old mate

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Manage to sneak a fish in this morning with Jeremy before all this bad weather moves in for the rest of the weekend.

Main goal for the morning was to get some kingies on surface again and try get some footage.

Must have been camera's curse cause there weren't keen to play the game. After that fail we decided we had better get some bait, mid bait drop a school of tuna surfaced about 200m away, up came the jigs and away we went. once with in casting range I put out a cast and within a second of the Zman bubble gum hitting the water I was on. I was using my new combo a 3500 custom hd certate on a Saltiga 76 game lined with sSaltiga pe2. to much of my surprise the fight was over within 5 minutes.

I was very pumped as this was my first longie and my biggest for the day I managed another 2 and lost one very quickly when I got a little impatient on the drag.




a couple of photos and it was Jeremy's turn, found another school and first cast and Jeremy was on. fish took about 50 metres of line before his 35lb pe2 snapped at the bail arm :dry: I found it a bit of a shock. after re rigging we went in pursuit of some more but could not find any surfacing. we resulted back to chasing the kingies. I decided to try a livie and be a smart ass and chuck it out on my Gomoku jigger, withing 5 seconds of it hitting the surface it was instantly taken and pealed drag and went side ways didn't take long to work out it was a dollie when it came flying out of the water, this was a new species for me and I was once again pumped.



Ended up landing a couple of kings between us



The afternoon was ended with two more baby longtail and a decent bust off that has me spewing


Over all it was a good weekend and I have put my tally for 2014 up to 4 for new species on the list.

Cheers Chris

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