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A first for James


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James and I had a half day up our sleeve, so we made the most of the great weather forecast and ventured out into the bay.

Not much to report. No where near as much Tuna action as there has been of late.

We saw two decent bust ups in 7 hours with a handful small splashes in between made by only one or two fish in a school; they were hard to find. Bait was also tiny and there wasn't too much around.

Not to worry, James hooked up early and got it to the boat in about 15 minutes after a sluggish first run and a bit of circling. I was surprised when I saw it as I thought it was going to be a bit smaller than it was because it didn't take much line initially.

Well, it turns out my net was too small so I fumbled for its tail and missed, setting the tuna free for another 20 minutes. The next opportunity I had I took with both hands (literally) and James had his first longtail tuna in the boat measuring in at 103cm. Happy days! :woohoo:

The hookup


The fish




It was still giving James a bit of curry even when in the boat!


For those thinking 'I don't have the gear or boat to chase Tuna', well I have been out in my 15hp 4m basic no-brand tinny a couple of times and been around plenty of Tuna action. Sure, it's not ideal but if you pick your day and know your limits as a skipper there is endless fun waiting out there for you.


Although it was a slow half-day it was still great to get James onto his first tuna and to see one in my boat.


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Congrats James on a cracking tuna. It's all about taking the opportunities and turning one of the few you had into a fish makes it a fantastic day rather than an average day.

Time to get a bigger net Sam.

The anxious moments add to the excitement of landing the fish.

Well done to you both it's a team effort to drive the boat and land the fish.

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Just as well it made it in to the boat after the second run, you would not have been popular!

Apparently James is complaining of a sore back after his effort - and not getting much sympathy! ;)

Yeah, it's pretty sore as well as my wrists :lol: :silly: :silly: :silly: I'm not complaining though!!! It's definitely the best way to get sore muscles. A 40 minute fight really takes it out of you!!!


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