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Lake Kurwongbah Warning


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I have been fishing Lake Kurwongbah for the last 6 or 7 years watching the bass grow to a nice size. Most of that fishing has been landbased at ski road and surounds. Well that has all come to a dead stop from now on. I put up a couple of posts recently from there, my idea was to do a bit of fishing there before the new rec policy took effect on the 8 sept. Well to cut a long story short the rec policy for some items of it are already in place. Fairdinkum you have to be a mind reader to know whats going on.

Instead of putting up no fishing signs or something along those lines, the new rules are if there small sign that says for day use only is not present then you cant fish there. So the only place you can fish landbased is Mick Hanfling park on Torrens road and the small picnic area at the start of the dam wall (not including the wall) on dayboro road.

I personaly think this is atrocious and the end of ski road should still be open to the public for fishing. Not to many bass or toga are taken from the other 2 places mentioned above unless at night which is illegal also.

On another note on the 8sept when kayakers are allowed on the dam I asked are there any restrictions and was told that the area near the wall and the rowing club would be out of bounds and nobody is allowed ashore anywhere except for the launch site, so somebody better get moving and publish these rules if they want people to know and abide by them.


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Gunna upset the fly boys no Ski rd access. Just goes to show how careful you have to be when they do a recreation review,

People tend to take things for granted and I bet hardly anyone put in a submission that fishing access be allowed at ski rd and SEQ water deemed that there was little demand.

Going to be difficult to change the ruling seeing that some of the adjacent landholders do not want people walking in front of their properties. Only chance of bringing about change would be through local Councillor or state member.



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SEQWATER appear not give a damn about fishers, their only interest is the supply of water to make the most profit for their distributors like Unitywater which is owned by Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast Regional Councils. We NOW have to ensure that access to our land based fishing areas on NPD is not reduced. The Great Drought several years ago, that stopped us boat fishing on NPD, did enable us to fish an extended area around the bank which still prevails. :cheer:

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SEQWATER appear not give a damn about fishers, their only interest is the supply of water to make the most profit for their distributors like Unitywater which is owned by Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast Regional Councils. We NOW have to ensure that access to our land based fishing areas on NPD is not reduced. The Great Drought several years ago, that stopped us boat fishing on NPD, did enable us to fish an extended area around the bank which still prevails. :cheer:

As Luke and myself found out recently the new rangers were unaware of where the boundary flags are at NPD.


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Gunna upset the fly boys no Ski rd access. Just goes to show how careful you have to be when they do a recreation review,

People tend to take things for granted and I bet hardly anyone put in a submission that fishing access be allowed at ski rd and SEQ water deemed that there was little demand.

Going to be difficult to change the ruling seeing that some of the adjacent landholders do not want people walking in front of their properties. Only chance of bringing about change would be through local Councillor or state member.



Yes there are hundreds of people that regulary fish this area landbased and quite a few of these do not have kayaks.Other thing is even the people with yaks if allowed could fish there when its to windy to yak.

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