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Homemade GT


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One of my subjects at school is Industrial Technology Studies where we have design based projects that allow us to construct something that is functional yet also aesthetically appealing. Our latest assignment was to design an MP3 docking station with a facade type feature, and who would have guessed that I decided to include a fish in it :P . I decided to make a GT as this would be reasonably easy to make but would also look very good. I started off with making the timber body and then sanding the gills, mouth and eye on.



After sanding the body I cut out the fins and glued them onto the body. At this stage it was starting to look quite fishy :lol: (No fins on it at this stage)


I then had to solder all the electronics and glue the wooden box onto the backboard. I then lacquered the fish and glued it onto the rustic looking backboard. Although it may seem like this is just a fun subject (which it actually is) it usually requires 30-40 pages of working drawings, production plans, sketches and ideations. This is what the finished product turned out like and it has a slot at the back for a phone to play music through the 2 speakers.



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Shame shame thinking about fish while at school.......................well done


haha yeah I just can't get enough of them :lol: I was thinking about making a bass and it was going to be a 60cm one but I decided I'll save that one for when (I should probably say if :P ) I ever get one :lol:

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