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A mate and I did an afternoon stint on the Cabulture R this arvo. Startd off first cast bang 35cm whiting:woohoo: then nothing for THREE hours:unsure: finally another two whiting 27 and 24cm.This was my first session with bait (live worms) for 10 months and its more expensive than plastics $24 for 2 packs (8 worms in each).At about 3:30 I finally got my way :woohoo: and we trolled for the last 30 min scored two nice lizards 55 and 51cm both caught on pink micro mulletsB) .All in all not a bad afternoon. Back at the boat ramp another bloke pulling his boat out said that he had caught a 4-5 foot bullie and was busted off many more times on 50lb up in the jew hole.So for all you budding Vic Hisslops there seems to be some action in the Cabulture:woohoo: .Also took 4 pots and didnt see a crab... Bugger I was pretty keen for a muddie or three for dinner.


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Brendo, the Caboolture river is my local, but believe it or not I have never fished it!

I am seriously thinking of a shark session there over christmas. I was going to explore it this week, but after Awoonga last week, I just couldn't motivate myself to service the motor (started missing on last night, most probably only the fuel line was loose)

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BUGGER I forgot about the FOM being whiting my missus wouldnt let me take the camera cause it was saturday and the kids might have done something funny ( what ever like we dont already have three thousand photos of kids being kids).The boat ramp was the beachmere public ramp.CHEERS brendo

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