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Cold Pale Ale for the classic.


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Went along to 4BC and picked up my voucher for brewsbrothers today.

Have a look at their site it looks ok.


Anyhow all I have to do is now find time to sneak up to the Gabba before we go to NZ on Saturday.

If I can get up there it will be ready when I return and I will have a 50 l keg ready to bring along to the classic barby on sunday night.

What flavour will I make? Was thinking something like Tiger or Singha to go with the samball ray.

I will have to con the missus to drive me home.



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It would depend if you are allowed to drink beer in a public place.No difference whether it comes from a keg or a stubby.

I know for labour day at the ecca where we were giving away stubbies we had to have strict conditions to ensure that they were opened before serving and we had to ensure recipients were over 18.

I dont know the legalities of a private individual choosing to give away a few beers in a park to friends.

When i was working we used to have some pretty big barbys in parks and never worried about serving beer. We just used to contact council for permission and they would reserve an area and make certain it was claen and tidy for us.




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Yea the official view is too hard...LOL

If you apply for a permit then you also will need a liquor licence, a way of defining the boundary, minimum number of toilets availabe, suitable security to police the area, and wait for it, a designated smoking section.

It is against the law to drink in a public place if over 18. If under 18, then its against the law to even possess liquor in a public place.

But you see a bbq happening, a few blokes having a quiet stubby and putting the empties in the bin or back in the esky, all well behaved, is it worth vigorously enforcing the law?

A keg in the park might get some more attention though, and if you are selling the beers then even more attention.

But sheesh.... confiscating that as an exhibit might bring a new mood to the station Christmas party!

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Much easier idea, and if you have the interest and numbers then speak with them prior about setting an area aside for you. Quick tip here to make sure you get the numbers, is to put on some finger food. Nothing too outrageous, but it shows the Pub you are serious about numbers coming and it guarentees numbers as people come for a drink and bite.

That way you are drinking in the pubs boundaries, on the pubs licence and using the pubs wee wees!

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