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Shark Attack On Kayak - Moreton Bay


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Shark attack, Moreton Bay

A Sunshine Coast man has had a lucky escape after a shark bit off the back of his kayak in Moreton Bay this afternoon.

The 39-year-old man was paddling towards Mud Island in a group of 9 people when his kayak was attacked and began to sink around 8 kilometres east of Woody Point.

Water Police responded to the man’s Triple 0 call and were able to track his location by using incoming aircraft to Brisbane Airport.

The man was rescued by water police just before 4pm and his damaged (formally) 6.5 metre kayak was also recovered from the water, sporting a large hole from where the shark had bitten into it.

The man from Maroochydore was returned to his vehicle at Bulimba Point uninjured although quite shaken and glad to be out of the water.

Sergeant Gordon Thiry from Brisbane Water Police said it was very fortunate they were able to find the man in time.

“We would encourage anyone heading out on the water to always wear a life jacket, carry an EPIRB and make sure you let someone else know where you’re travelling to and how long it will take,” he said.



If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via crimestoppersqld.com.au 24hrs per day.

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omg a shark in salt water in the bay! what a surprise lol

ive seen loads in a yak, they are curious creatures. i always laugh when folks get this surpised and shocked look upon hearing about a shark sighting or encounter in salt water. year after year, summer after summer its always the same media hype "man eaters" "never before seen shark numbers" "are your kids at risk swimming in the water" bla bla bla

and then it makes the 6pm news and Darryl McPhee will give his two cents on the topic haha

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Directly in the middle of Moreton Bay, in proximity to the shipping channels, in a craft less than 12 inches high, yep there's a good chance of shark attack. I'm amazed that people are surprised.

Funny thing is Sergeant Thiry recommends a life jacket and EPIRB. Is that so your body will float and the EPIRB makes it easy to locate?

Screen shot 2017-04-05 at 1.11.34 PM.png

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