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Crabbing (with Fishing Rods ..) Trip To Mud


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Took Liam and some bloke we met at the ramp (who was too sick for work but can't be named for legal reasons ...... :whistle:) on Thursday and headed to Mud for a fish and to throw some puts in (with PLENTY of mullet fillets to tempt the nippered ones). Bit more wind at the ramp than we'd anticipated and I forgot how slow my tinny is with 3 POB (even if one was a 6yr old ....) but conditions were good once we got past the front rockwall so off to Mud we went, opting to stay on the western side rather than going around to the east. As a result, the pots were put in and then off to our first fishing spot, which was a nice drop off with some wire weed. 

With a combo of squid or pillies for bait, our guest was the first to pull a fish in, an undersized grassie. My turn next with a little shark that was released unharmed, and then Liam's rod went off and line was peeling off before another shark, bigger than mine (of course ...), thrashed about on the surface at a distance and just like that the hook was gone and so was he (probably not a bad outcome :)). We seemed to be catching the bottom a fair bit (leading our guest to suspect we weren't quite anchored in the right spot) and with the fishing quiet, we decided to go and try another spot. Unfortunately, despite the sounder looking good we received no bites so didn't give it real long and decided, as it was now around 5:30pm, that we'd go back to the first spot, re-anchor and see if they'd come on the chew nearing sunset. 

Couple of small squire showed themselves and our guest had a good bite on his floater bait but no hook-up and before long it was almost dark so the call was made to go and collect the pots while we could still see our way, which we did with only one proving a bit hard to find after dark, but we found it. The first pot had two very nice sandies and we were hoping this would continue, but we ended up with 6 out of 8 pots, with one of them being the largest sandie our guest and I had ever seen (slight shame one nipper wasn't full size, but a cracking sandie nonetheless at about 16cm notch to notch).

Chugged our way back to the ramp, which took about an hour and with me getting a little wet, then home. I had intended to go fish the Measured Mile for mackerel the next morning but by the time I sorted things out at home I decided the time I needed to wake up was far to close so opted for a sleep-in (must be getting old ....).5a34af108ce36_LiamMudSquire14Dec2017.jpeg.63160ee66564b5264f5a22e2cd3c2e40.jpeg5a34af2b73778_MudSandies14Dec2017.jpeg.6c4f2f702b8e15ba22e191a65d6baabe.jpeg5a34af45ea7c4_BigMudSandie14Dec2017.jpeg.2e758840cd547e7c37e9b5b942bfc093.jpeg


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4 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:

I had intended to go fish the Measured Mile for mackerel the next morning but by the time I sorted things out at home I decided the time I needed to wake up was far to close so opted for a sleep-in (must be getting old ....).

Oh nice feed of fish there mate. Chilli crab and cricket. Fantastic. I have not spent much time at mud and have no idea how to fish it. I need to change that :) Thanks for the report. I am going to do a little beacon bashing tomorrow. I hope the spotties are in the bay :)


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On 12/16/2017 at 9:33 PM, kmcrosby78 said:

we were glad to get the pots in the water

Do you have any tips on where you drop your pots? Like how deep etc?

We went for a run out there just to run in the boat and chuck a few lures. I should take some pots next time. 

Also how long do you normally leave them in?

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Sorry rob been on the road (in singleton now).  We had them in around  6m of water   just try to pick a spot that gets decent current       a few hours should be enough for sandies if they are around    try some closer to the island and some further out then if you have time check them after a couple of hours and move them as needed good luck 

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7 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

Thanks Mate,

We found a few muddies around the mangroves near wynnum yesterday but keen to have a crack at sandies :)

Well, don’t put them where I did today (the 5 metre mark near Mud, the 4 metre mark near the reclaimed land at port of Brisbane, and finally a few spots inside the river when I got sick of the northerly).  Lots of females and only 4 keeper males from 6 hours effort. Still a top day though.

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