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Preparation For Friday Morning Report Added


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I am hoping to get out late Thursday afternoon again, this time with James. Same plan as last time but concentrate on the Wahoo in close and then try for the Marlin and Mahi-mahi. Don’t think we will go to the shelf, but you never know with me. Mainly between Hutchies and the Cape.

Boxing day sale got the better of me and now we will have a good spread of nomads and jet head skirts.  A spread of different colours, white, black, green, pink, blue/purple. 


This will be my marlin spread if the conditions are calm. If it is rougher, change to more aggressive heads, ie shorter pusher style. 


Pakula lures run as you see them. Long rigger lumo, long corner blue/silver/purple, shot gun down the middle hot pink, short corner Black Betty, short rigger blue crystal I think Lance said the colour was.

Spend the night on the boat before an early start in the reef. 

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Friday has come and gone and what a day on the water.

James and I headed to Moreton Island late Thursday afternoon, instead of doing the smart thing and looking for some mackerel and anchor up for the night we decided to do troll at the cape in the afternoon sea breeze to see if we could get a fish on the board. We had no success and rather than head back 20km to anchor inside Moreton I decided to anchor in close for the night, bad decision and the wind got up and we got very little sleep.

4am and we were off to find some Wahoo, I set the 1 x bibbed lure and the other skirts with wire this time. After an hour we had got our first hit but it didn't stick, then a further hour on and the Minnow gets hit, pulling drag.  James was back in the cabin trying to get some more sleep which left me to clear rods etc. A few seconds passed and the drag stops and not happy :no:.  I was winding in a Williamson pink skirt lure that only has 2 x small 5/0 s/s hooks on a pre-made wire trace. I wound it in fast hoping to entice a hit. BANG the hit came and the drag sung, only for a few seconds before the hooks pulled again.:no: The fish then turned its attention back to the minnow. (because I still have the motor still in gear to keep tension on the fish while I clear rods etc.) Bang again, must of been one  hungry fish, then a sight we all want to see a marlin with the minnow in its mouth launches from the froth and with several side to to side shakes of it head the lure is thrown free and all goes quite. Except for my frustrating words of wisdom. We found this one in 42m of water with a water temp of 27.1 degrees C, this was before 6.30am so early starts can pay off.

After working the area over and nothing happening I went back to my original plan of heading south towards the Cape and beyond, since so many fish had been reported down that way. As I trolled down I see the water temp dropping and then remembered to turn on the heat map on the overlay of the Lowrance. It is a feature that in a recent update allows your track to be displayed as a color and as the temperature changes the track color changes so you know where the temperature breaks are. The water was down to 26.4 degrees and dropping. Not happy with this I pulled the Lures in and steamed back 10km's back to the 27+ degree water and started looking for bait. I found some bait but not a lot.

The boredom of trolling was soon broken by the short rigger being hit and the reel screaming. I yell 'Marlin' to get James out of the cabin. The adrenaline kicks in as we scamper to clear the rods all while the reel is being stripped of line and the washing machine behind the boat is trying to dislodge the hook. We got the rods in and James whipped into action and started to play the fish back. Very shortly it was close to the back of the boat all lit up, it hadn't done much after the intial run, but that can all change in a instant when they are close to the boat.  Then 20m from the back of the boat the hook pulled and the beautiful creature swam away. :) The only disappointment was not getting a boat side photo of it releasing it.

It was quite for the most of the day and James still not feeling good after taking a sea sick tablet and little sleep retired to the cabin for most of the day. I still had a score to settle with the Mahi- Mahi so I head wide watching the water temp and as it rose to 28 degree C we were joined by some Dolphins as we headed down the 200m meter mark. I changed some lures to suit the conditions and tuned them to give ourselves the best chance. The short rigger goes off and I see a nice dolly jumping at the back of the boat. Then I don't know what happened but somehow the short corner lure was tangled with the rigger rods line and the line went limp. The Dolly was still jumping trying to dislodge the lure but we were not connected.:pirate: It stopped so I can only hope it got rid of it, but that's the second skirt lure I have lost in 2 trips.

We made our way in and headed for home flying across the bay. 

A day of losses, but feel the time on the water with one on one time with the boys and having the chances to land some magnificent fish was worth every cent.

Till next time.


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Couple of big days on the water for the luvit crew would have been good to se the marlin all lit up. Do you gun the throtle when you hook up on the troll this helps set hooks something i learned years ago.


The boys camping around us got 20 dollies yesterday then hooked a marlin off the tweed again and the spotties have been going off on the palmy with some spanairds and cobia mixed in. The tides this week have been perfect to jump the bar at currumbin early smash the mackies hook a marlin or 2 and back over the bar before 8 or 9 am. We are all getting  spoilt down here this season.  Make sure you get the.boys down here for the social it s going off.

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