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Dads 70th Bday Charter (pic Heavy)


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My old man turned 70 on Saturday (a big party was had which was a lot of fun with friends and family from all over Oz coming plus NZ) so my brothers and I had arranged a charter with John Gooding from Outlaw Charters as I'd heard good things. We originally had 8 of us but Dad's great mate from NZ hurt his back so couldn't come over, so we stuck with 7 to have the extra space. The attendees were my three brothers and I, Dad, our Kiwi uncle (Bruce) and a Dutch friend (Jan) - the competition was on!!!!

We had been nervous about Dad and the 4am meeting at the ramp as he had fallen out of love with fishing since retiring to Brisbane (possibly because we weren't catching big fish like red emperor, nannygai, etc .....) and also the early starts, but luckily he embraced the event and was up and about and ready to go. We met John at William Gunn Jetty, eagerly jumped aboard and were run through the safety talk as we putted out of the harbour. John runs two 250hp four stroke Hondas (whisper quiet) on a custom built 9m plate boat and it is a very good ride. We made our way out through the small ships channel and were at the bar (as @tugger would say, 'what bar?' ..... we had certainly fluked a magic day on the water) with the glow of the sun lighting up Point Lookout. 


We headed for the bait grounds and John found plenty on the sounder, gave a quick demo of how he likes it done to prevent the bait jigs tangling, and then two of us were on rods on one side with him working feverishly away on the other. This proceeded for a while with it being surprisingly hard work despite the often totally full sounder screen of bait. Eventually John declared we had caught the minimum required and we were off as a couple of other boats arrived for their turn - John said that they would struggle to get many now the sun was getting higher.

The boat was aimed at a spot with pinnacles that holds amberjack and samsonfish, and before we knew it the likely suspects appeared on the sounder, the sea anchor was thrown out for a test drift, we were back at the top of the mark and excitedly lining up in the 'production line' ready for John to hook our livie (mostly yakkas with a few small slimies) through the nose for us and to instruct us where to drop in. I had wondered whether all 7 of us would be fishing at once as we were in 80+ metres of water so sought of thought we might be taking it in turns but John is extremely experienced and clearly knows his stuff, instructing us to drop in behind the last person and to keep shuffling along the line to reduce the amount of tangles (note the word 'reduce' - we still got quite a few, mostly when fish were hooked).

With the reels pre-set (by John) to the required drag setting (we were fishing 50lb braid with paternoster setups), we began to drop down in anticipation of hooking what I think for all of us would be our first AJ and/or samsonfish. We soon discovered there was a lot of current (around 5km/hr for most of the day) so our challenge was to keep our bait right on the bottom as the boat flew along, which meant we basically had to have our reel in free spool whilst waiting for a strike. BINGO - my brother was first one but unfortunately he lost his (from memory sharked), before I then hooked up. The fight was on and they certainly give a good account of themselves, fighting all the way to the boat and finally my first ever AJ was netted and brought into the boat with my little biceps knowing they'd just had a workout (note to self: start developing stronger muscles .....). Someone else boated one also (can't recall who) and we headed back to the top of what had been a very long (but quick) drift with two fish in the kill tank from our first drop - GREAT START!


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We pulled three of our next drift, with my score now going to 2/2 (yippee!), I got another one (3/3 - this game is easy), and when I hooked on the next drift (4/4 hook ups) the level of banter really amped up with me sarcastically asking John if some people come out with him and don't manage to hook a fish ......... :whistle: This must have jinxed me as inevitably I lost the fish (I still maintain I did nothing wrong as I got into the fight, didn't go hard on it and maintained pressure - John thought differently, each time we lost a fish however ....... although sometimes he was definitely right!!).

I actually hooked up on my 5th drop (5/5) but lost it also (very frustrating, knowing I could have boated 5/5, I think this time once I had it more than halfway up. My next fish was my first ever Samsonfish (quite similar to an AJ, just a bit deeper with a blunt head and blotches on their side) so I was chuffed and we pulled 4 fish off this drift, happy days!!


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A couple of our team were struggling a little with the idea of not engaging the reel (old habits die hard when you're not used to fishing in such strong current) and the banter continued, particularly to our kiwi uncle (even after he caught fish, we just pretended to forget he had landed any ......). Dad finally boated his first fish and he was beaming from ear to ear (and also puffing!!).


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Before long we had 11 fish in the kill tank and headed back up to the top of the drift to try and complete our bag, which we actually did on the next drift (three fish boated), bagging out by around 10/10:30am. Interestingly (I wasn't aware) AJ's and Samsonfish had a combined bag/possession limit of 2 per person.



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John took us to another place a little further eastward to have a quick try for some trag jew, found them on the sounder but with these fish being more compactly bunched, we had drifted over them without a hookup before our kiwi uncle hooked up to what turned out to be 'just another AJ so we can't count that one Bruce .......' so the jokes continued at his expense .... :devil:

It was time to head in and it was my first time coming back in through the northern part of the SPB. We then headed south in behind the sandbank/island that has formed in the middle of the bar, before cruising back inside the bar and back to the marina through an almost glassed out bay, with a couple of celebratory beers on the way in, a beaming/happy crew, particularly Dad who I found out later had a good chat to John and thanked him for reigniting his love for fishing. Sounds like he's keen to get out there again - I just hope we catch some when we do!!



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A memorable day for everyone, but most importantly your dad getting to fish with his friends and family to celebrate his mile stone. 

Not to many fish pull harder than the AJ’s & Sambo’s. 

I hope your speech was shorter than the report? Nah, enjoy reading the long reports makes you feel like you experienced the day as well. 

Well done. 

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The esky was fetched (which at 93L was only just sufficient ...... going to have to buy a bigger esky ......), we gave our thanks to John (we were on probably his last charter for a while as he is booked in on Wednesday for a double knee replacement - we wish him a speedy recovery). If you're looking for a local charter, I thoroughly recommend Outlaw Charters as John puts on a great day, knows his stuff and helps all day long. Having our own boat to go out on, we're kicking ourselves that we hadn't done this sooner and now are thinking we might do a couple more (probably with John at winter time and then I reckon also Bill Coreton to get an idea of how to fish the Cathedrals area).

John took a photo of the crew in front of the boat holding the fish so I'll add that when I receive it. Two of my brothers (a bit more muscly than me ....) somehow managed to carry the esky all the way to the car and we were off home to brag, fillet and re-hydrate ...... :whistle: We had some of the fish as sashimi (YUM!!) and also on the BBQ plate with all the kiwi rellies plus a few family friends and it cooked up well.

It was magic day on the water that we will never forget and we are so glad that Dad enjoyed it. Now to find/make the time to get him out on the water in his boat more so we can bit by bit gain knowledge of fishing SEQ. Thanks for reading.


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Awesome report Kelvin I have known John for a long time now he lives just around the corner from me and he knows his stuff when blokes from the site here ask about charters I always recommend him he gets you on the fish. You should get your dad out on the big boat over this weekend while we are down the gold coast for the social the mackerel are going hard and I am sure he caught them up north back in the day just a thought ant way thanks for a full on report this has got to be a contender for report of the month.


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How were the AJs on the chew Kelvin? I caught one once, but ate it as sashimi, flesh seemed a bit translucent for frying or freezing.

4 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:

If you're looking for a local charter, I thoroughly recommend Outlaw Charters as John puts on a great day, knows his stuff and helps all day long. Having our own boat to go out on, we're kicking ourselves that we hadn't done this sooner and now are thinking we might do a couple more (probably with John at winter time and then I reckon also Bill Coreton to get an idea of how to fish the Cathedrals area).

I've been keen to find a local charter lately, as my last couple have been out of the GC, so might give him a go. Like Angus mentioned, what's the cost involved? I've also been keen to do Bill Corten's bar course for awhile now, or any of his offshore fishing courses; so if you're looking at doing one sometime in the future, please let me know.

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5 hours ago, tugger said:

this has got to be a contender for report of the month

Agreed. great read. I have caught AJ's years ago but would love to get amongst them again. So glad you could have a great fishing day and feed the family to boot. Cracking. 

There used to be fish of the month and Report of the month didn't there? I wonder if we could get that up and going again?

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Cheers fellas, yeah was a great day out in great conditions. It is $230 a head for the charter but I think you have to book the whole boat (ie. 8 people is $1840). 

@Tybo I will let you know when we look at another charter. We cooked the fish on the BBQ and it ate well but to be honest I don't think I'm anywhere near as fussy as some on here as there aren't many fish that I don't like to eat when they are fresh (and not drowned under the tap to wash all the flavour away).

Perhaps we could look at people on the forum booking a charter together sometime.

@tugger yeah John mentioned that he knew you and that one of his daughters went to school with Brock. I'm pretty certain I won't be attending the social unfortunately - been far too busy with family stuff (was down the coast today for a lunch for my uncles 80th bday) so will be busy finalising preps for what I am teaching this term on the weekend. Will definitely have to get Dad's boat out on the water sometime although we'll need to get the Prado back of my brother who is borrowing it.

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