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Easter Mackies


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Hi guys 

Thought I'd share my Monday trip out from the river mouth as Borumba over the weekend was a huge letdown (unsurprisingly considering the traffic). 

Old man and I headed out at 6am from Pinkenba, conditions were glassy until we  lost protection from port and hit the the 10knot south-easterly. High tide was due for 10:00am and first slugs went down at the first major set of tripod beacons just after 6:30. The chop made travelling and fishing pretty uncomfortable but we could see bait on the surface and down low so we persisted. 
Didn't get a hit on the slugs so on went the pillies and it was gametime. We had some good hits soon after resulting in 4 dropped fish, 6 in the boat, and 4 released with baits drifting mid-water in the current using gang hooks on 40lb fluro leader. 

The bait moved off and the bites dried up so we moved to Spot X out in the open in 6m of water. Baits on the bottom got picked off by small squire and trevally, but my floating pilly got smacked soon enough and an energetic 5 minute fight on the Ci4+ spooled with 20lb Fins resulted in my PB Moreton Bay Schoolie just tipping 68cm. Didn't get a photo with it as the chop made it too hard to get in a good position :baby:

Home with the slack tide for crumbed mackerel which I've decided is my favourite method for my favourite eating fish (so far). 







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