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getting my life sorted as i had my flu and COVID shots today and i have all this was done before winter hope you are doin the same have a fishin life in future

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greetings my pals i have all good news for you i had a good Drs Appointments Today As You Are 

aware im gotten my Flu Shots As Well the Covid Booster shots on today as thiswas done in 1 go was in quick order atfer i had the Shots done i had a good chat with my regular GP on today he was aware i have a few things i was dealing with now  As I Talked with my good GP he was understanding im in a rougher trot now as i have no longer talking to my mum now as she started far too many fights inregards to my boat thiswas why i just had broke it offf with her now and have no talk to her now as i have my carer with me he was saying things was are rougher for me as mum wont help on in future in regards to my boat outboard as she lied to the boat shop on what size outboard i was wanted on my boat in many years ago she was no good on boats as im really gonna really be taking that outboard off in future as far i knew thiswas really my hope as she was gettin older now as so im really ready for the day id get my first ever new outboard motor with my own money in future and i make the call on getting what outboard i was wanted as i knew what i was wanted my outboard tobe in future as i knew i do have my vision of my boat being fitted with the right outboard motor in future especially i knew the right outboard motor willbe bought with my own savings in future thiswas why im no longer talking to my mum now as she was getting older now so i have my future ahead for me was really restore my boat in future with my own savings torestore the boat in future as i save the worry in future with money in future as i save my wown money in future gotten torestore my boat in future in future im going to do it in futur was restoring my boat with the money id saved in future thiswas being a smart owner of a nicer classic boat in my care in future as you guys was in the know im in a rougher trot now im really was in one now was the rougher times in in now i feel sad i may not get my boat restored unless im gotten my new home in future thiswas why im really have to wait as needed in my future now

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