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threadies and bullies,


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hey guys,

going to chase threadies and bullies next thursday around the mouth and so forth. wondering if anyone new where that plase is brain mentioned. 99 pylon at boggy creek i rember him saying there was a bog drop off there. if any one could show it on a google map sat image would be awesome!

any other tips for these creatures would be good too!

Cheers Fella'sB)

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use atleast 10 - 20lb+ line.... A good strong leader for the threadys 20lb+ and for the sharks offcorse atleast a foot of wire trace, a circle hook and better still a trace before that of 1m of atleast 50lb mono.. Then ya just need fresh bait or better still live, id say go herring, then you have a chance of a shark or a thready.

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Kriso, thought you sold your boat?

As you head toward the mouth of the Bris River, on the left hand side the entrance to Boggy has a raised oil platform runing accross it, that then makes it's way up to the docking station for the tankers.

Each support strut for the pipeline is marked with a number, the number goes higher the closer you go to the mouth. Just look for the number in question and use your sounder (?) as you drive into the centre of the river, from memory it's about 50 odd meters toward mid-river.


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Rocket75 wrote:

Kriso, thought you sold your boat?

As you head toward the mouth of the Bris River, on the left hand side the entrance to Boggy has a raised oil platform runing accross it, that then makes it's way up to the docking station for the tankers.

Each support strut for the pipeline is marked with a number, the number goes higher the closer you go to the mouth. Just look for the number in question and use your sounder (?) as you drive into the centre of the river, from memory it's about 50 odd meters toward mid-river.


yeah mate i did bought a yak, mate of mine has a boat he's been annoying me for ages to go sharkin with him so thursday it is.

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sorry i dont know how to get the image but heres the link, is that the place rod?

may need to just cut and paste it to work:blush:

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Brian D wrote:

Kriso I suggest that you don't go sharking and thready in the same hole. Drop your shark bait (heavy weight) to the deep chanel and motor over to the drop off before dropping the pick. Also mate I got my thready mid water unweighted.;)

On a stinky 3 day old pillie :X:laugh: :laugh:

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Brian D wrote:

Kriso I suggest that you don't go sharking and thready in the same hole. Drop your shark bait (heavy weight) to the deep chanel and motor over to the drop off before dropping the pick. Also mate I got my thready mid water unweighted.;)

cheers guru ur a legend, hopefully i'll find its brother

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