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Tibet Peace Petition


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Hi all,

I know this doesnt have anything to do with fishing, but its something I am very passionate about. We have all heard lately of situation that is occuring at the moment with the Chinese government and Tibeten protesters. We dont need to go through all again you all know whats happening. I have included some links that will allow you to send emails to Olympic Commitee and the Australian Foriegn Minister showing that you are disturbed or angry about actions taken lately. This is not a petition to stop the olympics it is just a request for urgent action to be taken.

Now as a public forum, i have put this out there to be used by those who want to, I dont want this to be turned into a racial or political mud slinging thread. So if you want to leave any comments, please be mindful of the AFO rules and regulations, and also be mindful of your fellow fishermans feelings and thoughts,



Please give these links to anyone you know who may want to use them also, power comes from numbers, not individuals.


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Yeah unfortunetly with full time work and family commitments i cant do to much, so voiceing my opinions and showing others where they can voice theirs will have to do. Im afraid my protesting days are pretty much over.:( Unless the protest is on a weekend, and i can get a baby sitter.;)

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yeah, ppl getting smashed and most r innocent!

the dalai lama had spend years leading there ppl to believe it's no good being a part of China. they wanna form their own country when they r still being fed/cared by chinese government. Chinese government has been spending millions a year to help the ppl their and heaps of policies to help them out from poverty. but the *** dalai want them to believe all these r given by dalai not by Chinese government. what the government is doing now, is to stop these ppl from misleading ppl!

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Ash wrote:

Now as a public forum, i have put this out there to be used by those who want to, I dont want this to be turned into a racial or political mud slinging thread. So if you want to leave any comments, please be mindful of the AFO rules and regulations, and also be mindful of your fellow fishermans feelings and thoughts,


Please read what Ash said in his original post guys:)

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The violence was started by the tibetians! But local media here only reports tibetians get smashed, but how many Chinese been killed by those tibetians before army smashed them? How many Chinese shops been burn down by them? Those tibetians are not innocent people, otherwise they would not be shot!

China in power Tibet before 1300, it is a part of China. No one could change it, so deal with it.

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Guys, please stop this argueing. The thread was locked for a reason (although it doesn't seem to be working:dry:).

Ash just wanted to show people the petitions and they could make their minds up about them. He didn't want a big arguement in this thread over who is right or wrong.

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