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2 wheels

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hi all, It looks like my karma account with the fishing gods is good again I went for a wander to the barge walked along shultz's had a quick chat with a couple of fellows from the site didn t even ask their nics sorry guys any way they said nuffin much happening for them .continued barge wards arriving at the spot I saw 3 young fellows dangling their lines and with in a few minutes of saying hi hows it going 1 of the guys scores a flatty turns out to be ( wise guy and friends ) any way have a yak they regocnise the BRC shirt wise guy said he'd read a report about the barge and was having a hit .I rig up and im into it lol first fish monster toady (aka golden toad fish) nothing golden about them not long after that the bream start running in good sized heavy with roe ( ready for a sporn on the full moon ) all up i tallied 1 toady 1 catty ( bane of my exsistance) 5 mongrel breams 4 realy nice fat legals biggest bout 33 cm ( afr) ps i think the BRC shirt has brought me some fishing mojo and it was good to meet you wise guy good to see other afo members out and about :) pics to follow when I can prise them out of the camera [img size=480]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Picture_098.jpg


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m8, nicely done!

gud to see the entertainment didnt taper off wen we left ya out there...

cant wait to see th pix(y),

i heard that guy that caught the flatty was a spunk ;)

ill attempt to put a post up, not too good with the website thing though...

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