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hey all this is my first post!

I was searching on the net about Tilapia for some info on them and came across this forum. I found a thread about a Tilapia cull at lake kurwongbah and it brought back my memories of fishing there. I havent fished there for at least 5 years as I had heard that all the fish there had died due to poisoning. I've always caught unbelievable amounts of tilapia in that lake ranging from little guys to specimens over 2kgs, and have tonnes of pics of them.

The main confusion I have been getting is that apparantly you cannot catch Tilapia or keep them to take home (even after cleaning them and burying their bodies above the high water line). Have rung fisheries on many occassions and get mixed reports, some say yes you can others say no you can't, can someone clear this up for me? The Tilapia cull that you guys had would suggest it is ok, one thing I like is ridding the lake of this pest and they are suprisingly very good eating. So I havent fished for a while for them because of this confusion. If your fishing for catfish and catch a tilapia then what? Do you get fined?

My best effort was fishing with the family and over the 2 days we fished, we caught 465 tilapia!!! No fibs either, when you take 2000 worms for a fishing trip you know we mean business. Used to catch them on a float in summer and on a bottom rig in winter, and suprisingly caught as close as a metre from the shore many times. Any info will be greatly appreciated

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My understanding is that you are not allowed to be in posession of them. So taking them away to eat them is illegal.

Its illegal to put them back into any waterway. I suppose transporting them anywhere has the potential of destroying another waterway.

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I think the DPI position is clear on one point: people should not do activities that will potentially promote Tilapia infestation.

Now,whether to eat it or not may be subject to (mis)interpretation.

My two cents......


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I would suggest filleting them as you catch them and keeping the fillets on ice. If anyone asks i guess you could say they are mullet fillets for bait?

If it looks like you have put a bit of effort into disposing of the tilapia im sure the rangers would look the other way.

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