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Online Bullying - AFO's Stance


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Dear AFO members.

Over the last month or so a distasteful and cowardly practice has begun to surface more and more on the forum. This being the act of online bullying by individuals, and even more despicably groups.

On any online forum this size there will be groups of people that do not see eye to eye. That’s life no use denying it. However there is a civil and mature way to approach situations which has been lacking by some members.

No names or incidents will be given here just a warning. Online bullying will no longer be tolerated. This site is designed for people to share information with like minded people, and that right will be protected by Admin and Mods alike.

Mods are here to administer technicalities and help new members better adjust and maximise their online experience. They and we are not here to have to deal with fruitless bickering. To preserve time better spent in proactive pursuits, in the future, slander and sledging without call will be dealt with fast and with finality. This goes for all members. You have regretfully been warned.

Let’s move forward with a clean slate.

Lets get back to what’s important, fishing!



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