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Ouch Thanks Ana. Boat rego increases.


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AZZA wrote:

Victora doesn't look that bad untill you add in the cost ov parking at boat ramps have heard some are up to $8 plus you would have to live in vic. Looking at those costs might just transfer my boat to dads name and pick up a nice little discount

These days it is generally not a big problem registering a car or boat interstate. You just need somewhere who lives there to sign the form saying you have permission to garage / store the vehicle there. (It does not have to be stored there), and you can register it using your interstate address.

I was going to do it with my daihatsu to get around CAMs rules (because Qld 3rd party insurance is so piss weak, they require additional insurance for Qld registered vehicles used in racing, but not for vehicles registered in other states). But as the young fella does not seem all that interested I am not bothering.

I may have to get Ray to register my boat at his sisters place!

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Your right there Feral good point I registered my boat through a friend (VIC rego) when I was in WA cost me heaps less


My Daughter just inheritated a boat lol

She lives in Vic


ps will go well with my SA boat licence with a Vic Address that is legal in QLD ,NT ,WA and runs for life :P


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