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Bribie Passage - Monday night 12/01/09


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Well it was to windy for being out in the bay, so we headed for the passage instead. Drifted near the yellow marker at the mouth of the canals. The wind pushed us straight out from the shore even though the tide mas moving out.

Jacob (my son) picked up 2 squire, but that was it for the night.

Can anyone tell me the legal length for a squire, they aren't listed in the DPI size, take and possession limits document. Do they fall under the Snapper or Tropical Snapper category?

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Yeah I figured as much. Jakes were 28 and 30cm and lived to fight another day.

I asked a guy at the boat ramp and he reckoned they were the same as bream (23cm)....didn't sound right to me though.

Copy and past this link into your browser to get the PDF of the latest Size, take and possession limits from the DPI.


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Aggro101 wrote:

Yeah I figured as much. Jakes were 28 and 30cm and lived to fight another day.

I asked a guy at the boat ramp and he reckoned they were the same as bream (23cm)....didn't sound right to me though.

Copy and past this link into your browser to get the PDF of the latest Size, take and possession limits from the DPI.


this is the old one...it strill shows bream as 23?or is the new one not in effect atm

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kriso wrote:

snapper mate, i the old legal size was 35cm but unsure if it is one of the fish that size limit change is going to affect
there have been rumors flying thick and fast about this particular species, time will tell as it gets closer to the date in question.

cheers rob

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