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Best Colours in the SX40's..


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Hey Guys,

Got a BCF voucher for Valentines Day from my mrs and have been hearing good things about the SX 40's.. Could swear I've seen this thread done before but couldn't find it. Was wondering if those of you who have given them a good go could shed some light on the most sucessful colours to use? I believe they are 306's 314's etc etc.. I use them in the creeks and canals for all your estuary species - bream, cod, jacks, trevs, flathead, tailor etc..


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as a starter with all these lures around, i am yet to get a bite on a sx40, i find the baby vibs best by far so far, been fishing in manly harbor, and creeks with these lures. the colors i like are grey with dark brown or black stripes around the body, and brown with a bit of black and red around the head area

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Yep caught a Trev on a 307 at Varsity today...

He had deadset inhaled it so far the rear trebs were poking out his @rse.......

Also had some flatties giving a 308 a solid working over....

I have a 340 on its way in the mail, it's just so red and exotic looking i had to have it ! ;-P I have a feeling it's going to be a winner...

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What a lure!! There wouldn't be many other than the old chrome gold halco scorpion and maybe the Jackall Chubbies that could account for a record as good as that! I wonder what could take out most versatile lure? Also why is it that you never hear any hoo har about the SX 48? Isn't it the same but just a little bigger? You would think anything that would hit a 40 would hit a 48 but you barely hear any mention of them. Thoughts?

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chris_stewart14 wrote:

What a lure!! There wouldn't be many other than the old chrome gold halco scorpion and maybe the Jackall Chubbies that could account for a record as good as that! I wonder what could take out most versatile lure? Also why is it that you never hear any hoo har about the SX 48? Isn't it the same but just a little bigger? You would think anything that would hit a 40 would hit a 48 but you barely hear any mention of them. Thoughts?

I dont know why, i dont think they sell as many. I cant see how they would not be as good or even better for some larger fish due to the larger profile.

I guess from just having a "fun session" goes the 40's are great as the catch rate is massive if not in size :P

In saying that I have caught a few undersize bream on SX60's so yeah!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mate ive got no idea what the colour numbers are but here are a few that ive found go really well.

First off there is the mullet colour, so its a dark grey/olive top with a white middle and then small yellow section on the belly. Goes really well on flatty and bream.

Next there is one which is kind of a clear orange and it has vertical black stripes down its back. also has a reddish head. Have caight absolutetly everything on this, bream and flatty to tailor and whiting.

Finally there is one which is like a grey side and orange belly. The top is a brown that has like crack marks all over it. Goes really well on bream, especially in murky water.

I own about a dozen SX40's and these are the ones i go to to just about guarantee a fish everytime.

If you wanted a few other good lures look at either the Bassday Sugar Deep in either the shrimp/prawn colour or the trout colour. Or the Bassday Kangoku Shad in either the shrimp/prawn colour again, or the clear body with copper/white head and shoulders. Both colours in the Kangoku Shad have landed a number of 33cm+ fish.

Its a jungle of colours and lures out there so good luck.

ps- ive trolled SX40's up to 6 knots with bery few problems but an ideal trolling spead is about half that for the little fellas

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