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upper brissy

James W

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myself and lee hooked up for a stanley river session on wednesday but recent rain had flooded the river...so we decided to hit the upper brisbane river instead to see if we could find some yellas......

took a while before the first hook up...a small catfish..but then it went nuts for a bit...schools of catfish must have been doing laps and we would get double hook ups every time they went past.....i think we must have got a dozen or so each!...no sight of a yellowbelly but did have very small bass swiping at our stumpjumpers....althou no desirable fish, much fun was had with hard hits long screaming runs and a few bust offs!

was good to catch up again lee..been a while! [img size=320]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC00877.jpg


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went back out to the upper brissy river agin on saturday with kiwi and keechie...again no yellas to be seen :( and no massive hauls of catties:( ..kiwi did get a biggun thou and keechie got one on a popper!..iit smashed it too...never thought they would hit a popper....sorry to drag you guys all the way out there for a measly few catties...but i still love the adventure of hiking around that area :) [img size=480]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC00887.jpg


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yo JimmyB what sort of retrieve work on the popper cattie? The last time we had the yaks at Wivenhoe we found a patch of hungry catties in 6 foot of water. Everytime we trolled a lure through we got a hit but the damn wind met we could only play there for a while:( I reckon they would have a crack at a popper there though, that would be mad!

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