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Peel Island 21/02/09


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Hi all

Just a quick report on our adventures in the bay today. We had a lazy start and met up with Benno and his girlfriend Annie at Manly at around 8:30am.

There were a few goals for the day:

1. to seek retribution for being outfished by Kreel on Australia Day :ohmy:

2. to get Annie onto some fish as it was her first time fishing ever

3. to christen Kreel's new rod which was a replacement for the one that broke last time.

We headed straight to harry's but all we found were babies, then fished the afternoon at Peel. We caught a mixed bag of tuskfish, grassies and moses perch and came home with all three missions accomplished! :cheer:

The weather was perfect and with a lot of people scared off by the thought of rain we had Peel pretty much to ourselves. Thanks again to Benno for taking us out on yet another memorable fishing trip, can't wait till the next one! :)

the catch

[br] [img size=333]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1030531.jpg


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kriso - usual response of middle finger raised in your general direction... :P

rummy - they are still there. i often catch them around peel, north, south and east sides and also around mud. look for some reasonably heavy structure and fish the edges of it. we would of had three but one spat the hook at the side of the boat. :(

great day out all round and a top feed to boot. annie and i both caught squire in the same place that were about 34.9cm long... d'oh!

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Yes, I have been b!#ch slapped again by Tacklebox and Benno and status quo has been reestablished.

As per usual I was sent to the anchor hatch to fish, so that all the "serious" anglers could get the prime positions at the back of the boat (where all the fish congregate - obviously). Yet I did manage a decent grassy and a flounder (that didn't make the photo).

Congrats to my girl Tbox for spanking my fishing ass again and thankyou to Benno for yet another top day out. Oh and thankyou to Benno's parents for paying Annie to spend some time with him :laugh: - he's so much nicer when you're around. Just joking mate :P . I just hope she doesn't start outfishing me too soon.

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Cowfish13 wrote:

I'm pretty certain it's still a Moses Perch, they have those lines sometimes. You can see the lines, fainter, but still there on the one above it.

Top feed guys:)

definitely not a moses mate. much thicker set than a moses and every bit as tasty. they are so closely related though that they probably shouldn't sleep together and they taste the same anyway! haven't caught one in the bay before, used to often get them off gladstone.

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