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Boggy ck 10-4-09


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Yeah no probs rob, might have to float around in both boats tho, the old man might be down, im not sure on the days yet, shouldnt be a problen tho, maybe then kev can come lol ill be 50 m away... pommy exclusion zones :laugh:

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i'll be at the ramp around 8 oclock,on friday morning near on high tide. going to bounce a lure across that sandbank, here flatie, flatie, flatie. looks windy too, should be ok in there, high tide is at 10;30 am, so should be able to cover a bit of ground in that time. might drop a few burley buckets around the place and troll around them too. lol shortie, i like it! all welcome, the more the merrier. if ya see a 385 quinnie explorer with a yammy on the back, say g'day.

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yeah sounds good, 7 or 8 for me, wha rd is the boggy ck ramp on? might be a better option than pinkenba.. where you putting in rob ill go the same. bounce some toads over that bank im thinking and go for a flick up that corner and see if anything will bite

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if you guys are thinking of puting in at boggy creek just be warned that there are lots of sticky fingered people that watch that mud ramp. have seen trailers left with nothing but a chasis left, spot lights off cars wheel nuts, winches, roof racks are just some of the things that have been stolen from some of my mates cars n trailers. I just had to write this to make you aware of this as i would hate this to happen to some one and ruin there easter. fishermans island boat ramp has cameras and patroled securety but you probably already know that.

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Well, we ended up trolling hadr bodies most of the morning with 11 flatties, 4 keepers but dropped 1 :laugh: between 60-70cm, the rest were undersize, 2 bream, 1 pike, 1 catfish and 2 trevs.... all on the troll. not a bad morning, dinner tonight is flatty fillets and prawns from last nights casting efforts, cheers robbo :P

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